
Grave of Adolf Hitler's Parents Desecrated

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2012-04-08 01:02


Adolf Hitler, Jews

This is Robert Eiter

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-04-07 23:54

Robert Eiter was born in 1960 in Wels, Upper Austria, not too far from Linz. He is a lawyer, a journalist and founder of the Initiative Against Fascism Welser (Antifa) which he headed since its inception in 1984 until 2010. He is currently head of the Upper Austrian Network Against Racism and Right-Extremism, according to recent news reports about the Hitler grave desecration.

It is interesting for non-German speakers to learn that the word "eiter" means canker, or pus. Really! As the Romans said: "Nomen est omen." (Your name holds your destiny.)


Adolf Hitler, Jews

Elie Wiesel Writes on Toulouse and Reveals his Jewish Supremacy

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-03-24 22:48

By Carolyn Yeager

In an article titled “The Tragedy in Toulouse,” dated March 21, Elie Wiesel reveals once again his belief that Jewish pain is the only pain that matters. He  also suggests that this idea has been held firmly in the Jewish mind for 5000 years–if you believe they’ve actually been around that long.

The background for Wiesel’s essay is the death of seven persons (four of them Jews) by a gunman on a motorcycle,  identified as Mohammed Merah, a 23-year old French National of Algerian origin.


Elie Wiesel, Jews

The Heretics' Hour: Jewish Influence in White Communities in America

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-03-13 11:13

March 12, 2012

Tanstaafl and Carolyn Yeager take a penetrating look at the role of Jews in white communities, groups and organizations—attempting to go beyond the usual, short-sighted attitude toward “good Jews” who are safe to have around. The discussion centers on:

  • Jews Paul Gottfried and Laurence Auster are pro-nationalist but not pro-White;
  • Jews are moving into “Holocaust Revisionism” to direct blame away from Jews if the hoax collapses;*
  • White liberals blame themselves and accept guilt, while Jews continue to do what is good for Jews and blame Whites;
  • All our white organizations, including VoR, need a clear-cut identity focused entirely on what is good for Whites;
  • Freedom of association is an absolute necessity, but something Jews are totally against except for themselves;
  • Calls from Robert Stark and Hadding Scott in the last segment.

In the first segment Carolyn reads from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945 by Jörg Friedrich about the 1944-45 Allied bombing of the French cities of Caen, Le Havre, Boulogne, and Calais; also bombed were Turin, Milan, Genoa, Paris, Nantes, Lille, Amsterdam. Sofia and Bucharest were heavily bombed in ’44 and the German towns of Xanten and Wesel were destroyed in Feb. ’45.

*Carolyn incorrectly labeled Samuel Crowell as Jewish, which he is not. His book The Gas Chambers of Sherlock Holmes was recently published by Nine-Banded Books without any involvement by CODOH.

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

Fake Holohoax hero admits lie; fellow survivers furious

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2012-02-23 23:12


Remember Herman and Roma Rosenblat? They wrote their story to "make people feel good" ... and to make themselves rich.

This just-for-fun piece was created by me from a real news story that appeared on Yahoo News on Feb. 23, titled "Fake 9/11 hero admits lie; fellow firefighters furious." It was just too perfect a fit to pass up. Hope you enjoy it.   -Carolyn Yeager


Jews get most money from federal security grants

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2012-02-07 13:45

From an article in The Jewish Daily Forward, Sept. 2011:

The Akiba-Schechter Jewish Day School, in Chicago, put in new lights around its building and parking lot and now has a state-of-the-art video surveillance system with 12 cameras. Congregation Brith Shalom, in Bellaire, Texas, now has blast-proof doors and windows. In Baltimore, the Bais Hamedrash & Mesivta school installed a new gate to the parking lot and placed cameras throughout the building. Earlier this month, Congregation B’nai Israel of Staten Island put new shatterproof windows into its 40-year-old building.

All thanks to the United States taxpayer.

Since 2005, the Nonprofit Security Grant Program administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has provided $118 million to not-for-profit organizations to become better prepared for a terror attack.

Do you, as a Gentile, know about this program? Do Gentile organizations pay attention to what the government is handing out? Apparently not, or not much. The article goes on to say:

The Truth about Night -- Why it's Not Elie Wiesel's Story

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2011-12-25 22:20

By Carolyn Yeager

 Why is Grandma Nisel not mentioned in Elie Wiesel’s Night?

According to Hilda Wiesel’s 1995 “Survivors of the Shoah” testimony, Grandmother Nisel (also  spelled Nissel) went with the family to Auschwitz.

According to Elie Wiesel’s 1995 memoir, All Rivers Run to the Sea1, Grandmother Nisel went with the family to Auschwitz.

But Grandma Nisel is not mentioned even once in Wiesel’s 1958-60 supposedly autobiographical Night.2

Did Wiesel simply forget about his grandmother only 10 years after the event and then remember her again in the 1990’s? Did he cut her out because he wanted to condense his book and she was peripheral to the storyline? Neither of these can be believed. In the first place, Wiesel makes it clear in All Rivers how important Grandma Nisel was to him and he writes affectionately about her. Secondly, by including his grandmother when he mentioned his mother and three sisters, he would not have added more than a few words to the deportation narrative, as we will see. Thirdly, Grandma Nisel, as a member of his family group that he says he lost at Auschwitz, could not be left out when writing about his family group.

And, in fact, he didn’t leave her out of his memoir, nor did Hilda leave her out of her testimony. But Night is another story (pun intended).  Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Postwar German artist Anselm Kiefer honored by Jews in New York

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-12-14 19:30


"I have tried to do something that is really impossible: uniting the Jewish and German spirits."


Truer words were never spoken. It is impossible, for sure. Is artist Kiefer aware of what he's saying and means it, or did it just come out that way? On Tuesday, Dec. 13, the following information was posted at

Mike Harris and Veterans Today Re-Invent David Duke

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2011-12-01 20:10

By Carolyn Yeager

Gordon Duff’s Veterans Today is known for having writers representing every viewpoint on the spectrum from left to right, along with every race, and religion, too. The result is reminiscent of the ancient Tower of Babel where everyone spoke their own language and could not understand the others. This, by the way, is a hallmark of disinformation.

In this spirit, a new writer (a former financial advisor who worked for banks and financial institutions for many years, which is where he may have met Duff) has joined the VT roster of contributing editors. Co-incidentally, Mike Harris has also recently been given a 2-hour daily talk show at Republic Broadcasting Network—replacing John Stokes, who often spoke on-air about his great friendship with Gordon Duff. And as it turns out, Duff will be Mike’s special guest on Friday, Dec. 2 on his 8 to 10 a.m. Central-time program.

Harris has written: “I choose to write for Veterans Today because this is one of the very few media outlets that actually tells the truth, warts and all. I would rather have an ugly truth, than a beautiful lie.” Well, that is questionable.

On Nov. 30, Harris posted to VT something titled “David Duke Kidnapped by German Government.” VT editors gave it another headline in red “Free David Duke,” although by Nov. 30 Duke had already been freed. On 11-27 an announcement was posted on Duke’s website that read: “Dear Friends, I am free now …”


Jews, White Nationalism

Any friend of Israel is a friend of Elie Wiesel

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2011-10-26 20:34

 By Carolyn Yeager, posted Oct. 11, 2011

Elie Wiesel joins Israeli Settlers and Intelligence Chiefs to Celebrate Theft from Palestinians

One of the leading land-grabbers in East Jerusalem is a settler non-  governmental   organization by the name of Elad. Elad’s goal is to rid Jerusalem of Arabs.  One of its tactics has been to have Palestinian homes declared archaeological sites, whereby the homes can be taken over and the owners/residents evicted. It will do so by hook or by crook, says a left-leaning Jewish website Tikun Olam.  

Left:  Guarded Israeli settlers sieze new house in Jerusalem.

Joining these settlers at their commemoration service on behalf of this enterprise is Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel. Not only that, he’s the chair of Elad’s Advisory Board.  Also attending the commemoration as friends of Elad were two former Israeli intelligence chiefs, Shabtai Shavit and Amos Yadlin, and a number of prominent officials.

To Wiesel, anyone who is a friend of Israel is a friend of his.

Another friend is John Hagee. In 2009, after reportedly losing a large sum of money he had invested with Bernie Madoff, Wiesel made a cool half million for one speech to Hagee’s Christians United for Israel (CUFI) benefit. During the celebration of the Feast of the Tabernacles at Hagee’s San Antonio TX mega-church, Wiesel was keynote speaker on the “Night to Honor Israel.” CUFI gave $9 million to Israel charities that night, of which $500,000 went to Wiesel’s Foundation for Humanity.

Wiesel has also joined Alan Dershowitz in sponsoring a Jewish anti-Iran group. In an interview by John Hagee, Wiesel said of Iran’s leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

“… this man is a disgrace to humanity. [...]  This man is the No. 1 Holocaust denier in the world. This man publicly, repeatedly says that he needs, that he wants nuclear weapons to wipe off the Earth one Jewish state. This man should be arrested and brought to Hague to face the international tribunal and charged with the incitement of crimes against humanity. He does not deserve to be a president of any country. He should never be accepted anywhere as a guest, neither to New York nor to Paris, nor anywhere. He must be a persona non grata all over the world.”  Continue reading ...
