World War II

The Heretics' Hour HALL of FAME

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2012-08-31 15:01

Oldies but goodies.

This early Heretics' Hour program of March 2010, with Carolyn's greatest guest of all time Wilhelm Kriessmann, is too good to be forgotten and left back in the archives.

I'll improve the graphics of this new feature eventually, when I get time, but for now I'm just supplying the link.

This is for WWII buffs, but really for anyone who values "heart" and appreciates real history from the people who were there. Enjoy! 

Everything Greg Johnson knows about Holocaust Revisionism he learned from Mark Weber

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2012-08-05 00:02

By Carolyn Yeager
copyright 2012 Carolyn Yeager

The latest White Nationalist figure to announce his flight from Holocaust Revisionism is the editor of Counter-Currents Publishing, Greg Johnson. In an article titled “Dealing with The Holocaust” published on June 20 at the Occidental Observer, Johnson gave a whole list of reasons why Holocaust Revisionism was not “necessary” to the prospering of what he has dubbed the North American New Right. Just three years ago, Mark Weber (pictured at right) used virtually identical reasons to explain why Holocaust Revisionism had become “irrelevant” to the work of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR).

A Day at The Bendlerblock - July 20, 1944

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-07-18 16:48

Sixty-eight years ago, the most successful of the failed plots against the life of Adolf Hitler was initiated and concluded in a single day. The dramatic story of how it unfolded in the military headquarters "Bendlerblock" in Berlin has been put together in this article by a man who was at the time a Luftwaffe pilot serving the Reich. Wilhelm Kriessmann remembers that day very well, and how he and his fellow airmen responded to the news. Kriessmann was drafted into national service in 1939 at the age of 18, and was among those who surrendered, as ordered, in April 1945. His writings have appeared in many periodicals and include the Ein Anderer Hitler series of translations/commentaries found on this website under My Articles on the sidebar menu. -cy

By Wilhelm Kriessmann

Trusted generals of the Third Reich waited nervously in their offices in the Bendlerblock - Berlin headquarters of the OKW Home Command and General Army Office (AHA) for the call from Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg that the bomb had this time exploded and killed Hitler.

Notable among them were: Col General Ludwig Beck (retired since 1938); Col General Friedrich Fromm, Chief of the Home Army Command; General Friedrich Olbricht, Chief of the AHA, and his chief of staff Colonel Albrecht Mertz von Quirnheim; General Fritz Thiele, Deputy Chief of Communications (under General Erich Fellgiebel); Col General Erich Hoepner, retired but now in uniform again; Hans Bernt Gisevius, ex-Gestapo man just in from Switzerland.

Continue reading

Saturday Afternoon: Bomber Command Memorial - national pride or national obscenity?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-14 13:56

July 14, 2012

Carolyn Yeager and her guest Judith from England examine the meaning and implications of the Bomber Command Memorial recently opened in London with an unveiling by Queen Elizabeth. Picture at right shows the enthusiastic, if elderly, crowd celebrating the occasion. Highlights of the program:

  • Peter Hitchens' editorial in The Daily Mail minimizing the real horror of the carpet-bombing of all German cities (even while disagreeing with it);
  • Walter Ruthard's letter to Hitchens strongly objecting to what he wrote, or what he didn't write;
  • Matthys' letter to Peter Hitchens and Hitchens' replies, which focus on the "Holocaust equivalency" question;
  • Hitchens' two emails to me that again bring up the "holocaust equivalency" question;
  • Carolyn and Judith try to sum up the essential problems preventing an objective discussion between Britons and Germans on WWII;
  • What prevents an objective discussion on all the problems facing the White community.

The pilots of Bomber Command cannot be called heroes

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-07-09 21:52

Hans Krampe, a German-Canadian, sent out a letter written by another German-Canadian living on the other side of Canada – Walter Ruthard – and it is such a great letter that I am posting it here. It was written in response to an editorial in the Daily Mail by Peter Hitchens.

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn: Interview with Henrik Holappa

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-07-07 12:24

July 7, 2012

Holappa is a Finnish nationalist now living in Sweden with his wife and baby daughter. He began the Finnish Resistance Movement, which is in league with the Swedish and Norwegian Resistance movements. These are peaceful political movements, not armed movements. Topics discussed:

Email Henrik Holappa:  heholappa at hotmail dot com

New Film from Lady Michele Renouf

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-06-27 18:57

New DVD RELEASE 28th June 2012 -
"DRESDEN HOLOCAUST 1946: Why an apology to Germany is due".  

As Queen Elizabeth II opens a memorial to the 55,000 members of the Royal Air Force Bomber Command who died during the Second World War, increasing numbers of Britons are questioning the history and legacy of that conflict.

The political leaders (principally Prime Minister Winston Churchill) who sent those men of Bomber Command to their deaths – as well as condemning 500,000 German civilians to be burned alive across sixty towns and cities that were devastated in a deliberate bombing strategy – are now seen by some as war criminals.


World War II

Elie Wiesel repudiates his Hungarian Merit Award over ideology

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-06-20 09:18
Elie Wiesel is making news again by repudiating and returning (or did he?) a Hungarian Government award he received in 2004. By this gesture, he apparently hopes to intimidate independent nation-states to take into consideration Jewish Power – Holocaust-Power – in every decision they make. Wiesel also likes to gain public attention for what he alleges to be the crimes of the Nazis and their collaborators.

The award Wiesel is returning is the Republic of Hungary’s Order of Merit, Grand Cross presented to him by president  Ferenc Madl in 2004. Let’s hope he never gets it back.

Wiesel said last week that he was “outraged” that Hungarian House Speaker Laszlo Kover participated, together with Hungarian Secretary of State for Culture Geza Szocs and far-right Jobbik party leader Gabor Vona, in a re-burial ceremony in Romania honoring author Jozsef Nyiro, who was a member of the Arrow Cross Parliament during the 1930′s.

“It’s just too close to home,” Wiesel told an Associated Press interviewer.  In a letter to Kover, he wrote “It is with profound dismay and indignation that I learned of your participation” with Szocs and Vona in a ceremony honoring “a fascist ideologue of the Horthy and Szalasi regimes”.

Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn: Interview with Vincent Reynouard

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2012-06-09 12:45

June 9, 2012

Carolyn Yeager talks with French Revisionist Vincent Reynouard about his life and work. Some of the topics of discussion are:

- Vincent’s first revisionist work – he was introduced to “Holocaust” at age 14.

- The various prosecutions and convictions lodged against him:  Six since 1992.

- His work, from brochures, pamphlets and a book on Oradour sur Glane when he was still a public school teacher in the ’90′s to his latest feature-length video, “Holocaust,” and his rebuttal of three “court historians” who challenged Robert Faurisson’s “No Holes, No Holocaust.”

- The discrepancy between the contemptuous “put-down” of revisionists as cranks and “deniers” … and the number of special laws passed in Western nations, extending even to the UN (!), to shut them up.

- What Revisionism could do if it had the money.

The French government won’t allow Vincent to work to earn a living, plus anything he earns will be seized by the government to pay court costs and fines. Please contribute to Vincent, preferably on an on-going basis ($10 a month). Go here for current information.

Poles Behaving Like Jews

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-05-30 19:12

By Carolyn Yeager, May 30, 2012

Polish Prime Minister angrily attacks the U.S. President for using politically incorrect terminology in describing WWII camps in Poland.

Donald Tusk demanded Wednesday that President Barack Obama explain his reference to "a Polish death camp" during a high-profile White House ceremony posthumously honoring Jan Karski with the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, a prestigious award given to civilians who serve the programs of the global elite.

The Polish PM accused Obama of exhibiting "ignorance, lack of knowledge, bad intentions" and of "distorting history" by using the phrase “Polish death camps” when referring to Nazi concentration camps in Poland. Obama's actual words were that Karski was smuggled "into the Warsaw ghetto and a Polish death camp to see for himself."
