European Union

The Heretics' Hour: The Ethnic State and NAPOLA

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-06-24 18:53

June 24, 2013

In the wake of the current successes of three openly ethno-nationalist political parties in Europe, Carolyn looks at the advantages of “the Ethnic state” over “the Democratic state,” or even a pan-European state, for preserving a legitimate people’s future and autonomy. In the second hour, the National Political Institutes of Education (NAPOLA) in National Socialist Germany (an ethnic state) is discussed.  Some major points:

  • Israel is an ethno-nationalist  state that excludes non-ethnics;
  • Political parties in Greece, Hungary and Ukraine are out front in calling for the removal of foreign elements from their countries;
  • The further “out” we go in allying with other nations, the more we stop depending on ourselves and rely on others;
  • Pan-Europa and a “United States of Europe” are ideas that go way back, yet never really worked;
  • Very little is written about the NAPOLA schools; what is available is biased and dishonest;
  • The German film “Before the Fall” portrays a Napola school and it’s staff as evil, sadistic brutes whose aim is to produce merciless killers;
  • Letters from Leopold Wenger from a Napola school in 1939, showing the true nature of that program, will be posted at Carolyn’s website.

Image: Raising your children in your own image is one advantage of an ethno-nationalist state.

Saturday Afternoon: What to do about Jewish America?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-06-22 11:33

June 22, 2013

Prof. Kevin MacDonald joins Carolyn in the 2nd hour of the program to discuss his recent article at The Occidental Observer online magazine, “Israel and the NSA Scandal.” He also talked about his even newer article, “Bill O’Reilly: Exploiting the race card but avoiding the real issue.”

In the first hour, Carolyn makes a case for nationalist, ethnic identity as being a more powerful motivator for activism than European or White identity. She uses the surprising success of the Jobbik party in Hungary and the Golden Dawn party in Greece, both of which are entirely nationalist, Christian, and openly express disapproval of Jewish interference in their countries. Carolyn thinks many “Americans” would react equally strongly if they understood how the American homeland they take for granted has been stolen and is doomed to end with the loss of the White majority. She touts the idea of a new political party that points out the negative effects of the overwhelming Jewish power in the U.S., and discusses the idea further with Kevin MacDonald in the 2nd hour. (See here for an example of how the leader of such a party should present himself in the public venue.)

Is there such a thing as White European Nationalism?

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-06-10 18:36

June 10, 2013

Andrew Anglin of Total Fascism joins Carolyn to discuss the pros and cons of European nationalism – just how nationalistic individual European nations can or should be. While Pan-European identity is a good thing, it has been used to weaken national identity. Also touched upon: American White Nationalism and the challenges that it faces in this large, diverse country–very similar to pan-European nationalism. Some highlights:

Image: An example of what a truly national group looks like, in this case fair-skinned people with rosy complexions, but it could also be olive-skinned dark-haired people who look happy and comfortable together.

Euro an instrument to enslave Europe

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-04-09 16:20

6 April 2013

Angela Merkel is not Germany – The €uro is an instrument to enslave all Europe


by Sternbald

The so called €uro crisis has been planned; the foreseeable consequences of the monetary union were well known to the responsible politicians. Top politicians in all countries are lying to their people and cooperating with high finance. Similar to the two world wars, the Germans have been chosen as a scapegoat. We would like the world to know: Angela Merkel is not Germany but a traitor to our nation and all of Europe. The following article will give you the necessary information to understand the mechanisms of the €uro fraud.


Read it, forward it, tell it to everybody!


Prehistory and origins of the EU and the €uro

Without the Second World War, a monetary union in Europe would not have been possible. The defeat of France (in 1940), Italy (in 1943), and Germany (in 1945) and the hegemony of the USA over Europe were necessary to overcome the resistance autonomous nations would have opposed to such a project. (The fact that countries with a rest of political autonomy such as GB, Switzerland, and Norway did not introduce the €uro confirms this.)

The German nation lost its autonomy completely and has never been able to recover it. The socialist Carlo Schmidt, one of the experts in international law that were asked to elaborate the German ‘basic law’ (‘Grundgesetz’ – the FRG does not have a real constitution) under American supervision said about the new American client state Federal Republic of Germany:

This organization as a state-like entity, of course, can go very far. However, it will always be different from a democratically legitimated state because the self-organization in the face of not existing liberty depends on the acceptance of a superior foreign power as the legitimate ruler; it thus is noting more than the organized form of a modality of foreign domination.

When the USA started the European Recovery Program in 1947 (also known as Marshall Plan), they obliged the participating nations to accept an accompanying strategic plan. The loans were spend in a way that stimulated the American economy. Germany was forced to receive $ US 1.4 billion (6.4 billion Deutsche Mark, ca. 1/10 of the integral sum) from 1949 to 1952 and had to pay back 13 billion Deutsche Mark from 1953 to 1962. The ERP set the base for a common European policy and the respective institutions.

Is it time to call Ken Waltzer a fraud?

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-01 12:13

By Carolyn Yeager

Kenneth Waltzer is a professor of history  at Michigan State University since the early 1970′s. He helped to create the Jewish Studies program which opened in 1992, and which he heads. In the photo at right, he is looking at a Buchenwald registration card at The International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen, Germany. Waltzer has been researching into evidence of a special ‘boy’s protection program’ run by prisoners at Buchenwald for going on 10 years now. As an “approved” researcher, he is allowed to peruse all the files there, something that is made much more difficult, if not impossible,  for revisionists .

Waltzer is considered one of the top scholars in the U.S. of the ill-named holocaust  but his work has been sloppy, and his attempts to cover up the sloppiness amount to fraud. This, along with his continual promotion and defense of Elie Wiesel as a Buchenwald survivor, is what has drawn me to study him ever more closely.

Because of the seriousness of the charge I am making against him, I will list right up front my reasons for thinking it is time for such a call. They are:

  1. Waltzer habitually tells fibs in the form of false information which is intended to mislead. When called out for it, he tells more fibs to cover for the first ones.
  2. He has been in the service of the Holocaust Industry, not academic rigor and truthfulness, from the very start of his career.
  3. He knowingly defrauds his students, his university and the public (you and I) with his dishonest “holocaust scholarship.”
  4. While he is drawing high pay as a tenured American professor of history at MSU, he is working to advance the State of Israel.

I am going to show that these charges have a strong basis in fact. Fraud is commonly understood as dishonesty calculated for advantage. A person who is dishonest may be called a fraud. In the U.S. legal system, fraud is a specific offense with certain features. (see here)

Please continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Pathetic Picture of Political Hypocrisy

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-03-11 08:54

A more perfect illustration of ZOG - Zionist-owned Globe - cannot be found than this staged photo of the European Union-Euro Zone puppet government in Vienna, Austria attempting  to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the glorious Anschluss of 1938 as something terrible.

Here we have Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner (far left) comforting so-called "Resistance fighter" Katharina Sasso, who is acting  the pathetic victim 75-years after the fact ... while  Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann reaches out to the "victim" also, with the proper concerned expression on his face. 

Landmark German Protestant Church sold to Muslims; will become a mosque

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-02-20 06:34

This is news because it is the FIRST TIME a Protestant church in Hamburg, Germany's second largest city, will be converted into a mosque, according to my correspondent who calls it "a breach of taboo and a break in a dam."

Kapernaumkirch (Capernaum Church), pictured at right, a cultural heritage site, is located in the Horn district in downtown Hamburg. It was abandoned in 2002 for financial reasons due to declining membership. From this article:

The building and an adjacent 44 meter (144 foot) tower/steeple as well as the surrounding land was sold in 2005 to an investor, the Al-Nour Islamic Center, which has approximately 600 members, mainly made up of Arab Muslim immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa.

The church is currently undergoing renovations at a cost of one million euros ($1.4 million) and is scheduled to be reopened as a mosque on October 3, the Day of German Unity [Tag der Deutschen Einheit], a public holiday commemorating the anniversary of German reunification in 1990. Muslims in Germany have also claimed October 3 as Open Mosque Day [Tag der offenen Moschee], a day when non-Muslims are allowed to visit mosques.

Read more in English here.


European Union, Germany, Race

Vienna's annual Fraternity Ball brings out commie-antifa street thugs once again

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-02-05 07:38

On February 1st in Vienna, the traditional Fraternity Ball again took place at the beautiful and historic Hofburg Palace. In order to get permission to hold the event in the great palace, the organizers had to change the name from Fraternity to the Akademikerball (the Academics Ball). The old and honorable fraternities of Austria have come under increasing attack because they are considered nationalistic and aligned with the national-conservative FPÖ, Freedom Party. (Representatives are lined up below)

The ugly, intolerant "anti-facists" and "anti-racists" (below) want to destroy every last vestige of nationalist thought in Europe, and unfortunately the current is on their side. The leftists went on something of a manhunt against the guests. They chased these totally normal people, going about their innocent, personal business, through the streets of Vienna, screamed at them, threw bottles at them and even spat into their faces while the police who were standing directly beside them did nothing.

See here:

What is the cost to peaceful Vienna people to have this destructive element gather in the thousands in the streets and plazas (above in front of the Hofburg on Feb. 1st) to interfere with lawful activities of those they politically oppose? Even though it is insanity it occurs because the higher police leadership, time and again, gives these left-wing radicals a free hand and allows patriots to be their fair game.

See another video here. And this article "Slugfest at Academics Ball" here.

*     *     *

Coming up on February 13-15 is the anniversary of the bombing of Dresden. From a long-time correspondent in Germany:

The same procedure as every year. Nationalists want to march calmly and want to remember the victims; leftists will again scream and whistle at them and blockade their marching route. The established politicians again support the leftists and the police have to.
The police president of Dresden has already indicated that he will infringe the police neutrality by announcing: "We don't fight for Nazis."

Nationalist = Nazi in Globalist-ruled Germany.


Austria, European Union

Sylvia Stolz may face prosecution again

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2013-01-20 05:47

Slyvia Stolz only a little over a year ago completed serving a 3 and 1/2 year prison term in Germany for "holocaust denial." Her "crime" took place while, as his lawyer, she was defending another "holocaust denier" (Ernst Zundel) in court. Now 'the Jews' (yes, it's them for sure) are after her for daring to speak up once again. Her voice is too legally accurate, too reasonable, and too persuasive for their comfort. You can see and read Stolz' speech here. Please do so to educate yourself on the legal questions involved.

From Press TV (which spelled her name incorrectly as 'Schultz'):

 Sylvia Stolz (R) and Ivo Sasek address a conference of the Anti-Censorship Coalition in November 2012.

A German lawyer may face prosecution for questioning the Holocaust and making an argument that there is ‘no evidence’ to prove the event.

Sylvia Schultz (sic) denied the Holocaust during a conference of the Anti-Censorship Coalition held in the canton of Graubunden, Switzerland, in November 2012.

According to reports, Daniel Kettiger, a Bernese lawyer, has filed a criminal complaint against Schultz (sic) at the Graubunden Prosecutors Office. Contact Kettiger.

The German lawyer had said during the conference that the Holocaust had never been proven in court as it would have lacked the findings of the crime scenes and killing methods and the number of deaths, perpetrators, corpses or traces of a murder.

Schultz (sic) had also argued that there was also no “testimony, documents or other evidence.”

Schultz (sic) is not the only person for whom a criminal complaint has been filed. Ivo Sasek, the organizer of the Anti-Censorship Coalition conference also faces similar prosecution.

Euro Crisis: “A Flood of Inflation”

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2012-03-11 18:45

[Original title: "Prof. Markus Kerber zur Eurokrise: 'Ein Schwall von Inflation'", in, January 14, 2012. Translation by MKH]

The Deutschlandfunk (DLF, a public German radio station) aired an interview with Professor Markus Kerber. Kerber is an economist at the Technische Universität Berlin. He conducts research on public finance and economic policy. The occasion was the downgrading of the creditworthiness of France from AAA to AA + by the rating agency Standard & Poors. It was about the impact on the Euro. Kerber was speaking in plain language. He said among other things:
