White Nationalism

Saturday Afternoon: How Charles Krafft inadvertently forced the art world to deal with “holocaust denial”

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-03-09 12:23

March 9, 2013

Prominent Seattle artist Charles Krafft, whose comment on this very program last July that he believed the holocaust was “a myth”  caused shock in the politically far-Left and Jewish-dominated art world, tells what it’s been like on his end since The Stranger article appeared on February 13th.  Discussion includes:

  • Charles’ interview requests include Public Radio International (PRI);
  • What his old friends are saying and writing to him now;
  • His history as a ceramics artist with his Disasterwaredebuting in 1991 and “Spone China” in 1999;
  • His connections to Slovenia and Romania, and the influence they had;
  • Difference between holocaust denial, skepticism and revisionism;
  • The importance, or not, of the artist’s intention and reasons for creating the work of art;
  • Is it the art or the artist that the art public should consider;
  • Art like Krafft’s can give a little distance from the “relentless mythologization of figures like Hitler (seen above in the form of a teapot) into symbolic demons.”

Saturday Afternoon: Deception Rampant from the Art World to the News World

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-03-02 12:29

March 2, 2013

Carolyn shines the spotlight on the critics of artist and “Holocaust” sceptic/researcher Charles Krafft. After an “expose” in a Seattle gay lifestyle” magazine called him a White Nationalist and possible Holocaust Denier, others repeated the story, including the Huffington Post. A couple named Phil Campbell and Emily Hall (he writes for HuffPost and she for The Stranger) are scrutinized for their bizarre views that appear to be typical of the Ultra-Left.

The Heretics' Hour: Tan and Carolyn 'Live' - Identity, Anonymity, Christianity, Holocaustianity

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-02-25 18:44

Feb. 25, 2013

Tanstaafl of The White Network and Age of Treason Blog joins Carolyn for  another foray into the philosophy that drives them personally and the Internet radio network they formed. Topics discussed include:

  • Satisfaction with the number of programs currently offered and the specifically pro-White content;
  • Why a clear sense of identity — Who is Us — is the first step in waking up, followed by Who is our Enemy — because we do have one;
  • Online anonymity – when it’s alright and when it isn’t – and some recently introduced legislation;
  • Clear ideals must characterize White identity for the race to survive – article by Wm. Finck;
  • Reasons for the resignation of Pope Benedict: Is it the demoralization of Western Civilization or the work of the enemies of the West;
  • The persecution of Charles Krafft by the liberal, gay,and Jewish West Coast art world;
  • What direction will our programing go.

Caller Stuart from Florida recommends participation in local militia-type groups with people you know.

The Heretics' Hour: A 2nd Conversation with Andre

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-02-11 19:19

Feb. 11, 2013

Andrew Anglin of Total Fascism answers questions about his written and spoken record of not so long ago that is seemingly very different from what he advocates today. He explains the progression from an anti-technology primitivism to authoritarian state government, and how his world-view has really not changed that much. Among topics covered:

  • With the present corporate system, technology can go out of control;
  • Free choice does not exist in reality;
  • Christianity – weak or strong? It all depends on how it’s presented;
  • How would Odinism be presented to the people and can it be;
  • Catholic caller thinks all anti-Christians are crypto-Jews;
  • Materialism is the bad – more spirituality the good;
  • What to do about the American Negro;
  • Pros and cons of Vegetarianism, with  surprising passion in its favor;
  • Hitler’s cooks, “food-tasters” and doctors;
  • The health benefits of a high protein/fat and low-carb diet is widely recognized.

Callers Mike Delaney and Bill from Ohio added to the program.

Saturday Afternoon: Conversation with Alex Linder

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-09 11:41

Feb. 9, 2013

The Golden Dawn party in Greece is presently the primary interest for Alex Linder of VNN Forum. Our conversation started and ended with it, but in between he also talked about Anders Breivik, the gun control legislation Obama is trying to pass, and infighting in the “movement” – how it should and shouldn’t be done. Some of the points made:

  • Why a nationalist party could gain success in Greece, but not elsewhere in Europe or the U.S.;
  • Only young men will carry out a revolutionary movement;
  • Must say clearly that “we are White and want what is good for Whites;
  • Begin organizing from national conditions or on a state or regional basis?;
  • How much individualism can be tolerated in a political party manifesto;
  • Sandy Hook and Gun Controlplanned or accidental;
  • Alex’s thread on Strategy.

An email from Paul and a phone call from Stuart added to the show. Missed an email from Stuart telling me the militias are alive and well, see here. Sorry about the abrupt closing – my fault.

Saturday Afternoon: Should questioning motives and methods be called "infighting?"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-02 12:41

Feb. 2, 2013

Carolyn does what she’s good at: Criticism of high-profile members of our “truth community,” some of whom are known as “pro-White” or “White identity” and some who are not.  This is so difficult to put into words, it’s best to go straight to the bullets:

  • The question of leadership comes up, and along with that – money;
  • Disappointment with David Duke and Ingrid Zundel for their association with Jeff Rense, Gordon Duff and others;
  • ‘Gordo’ Duff’s attempts to get representatives from all sides, including revisionists like Zundel and White nationalists like Duke, on his “internationalist” VT website;
  • Questioning Duke’s radio program on Dec. 13 treating Duff as a great friend;
  • Ingrid Zundel’s admission of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, several times over, in legal fees for Ernst – saying they can raise any amount they want;
  • Internationalist vs nationalists: never the twain shall meet;
  • Nationalism is always antisemitic and about racial purity – can’t be otherwise.

Phone call from Ray in Texas on nationalism.

    Pictured: David Duke on cover of Time Magazine, May 9, 2005.

    Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Mike Delaney

    Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-01-26 11:41

    Jan. 26, 2013

    Mike Delaney (shown right with one of his four children) of Prothink.org and Missing Links, the Movie  is Carolyn’s guest to discuss his websites and the recent claim by Gordon Duff that two of them [Ratfaced Jews and Jewish Problem] are funded by Abe Foxman’s Anti-Defamation League and “managed” by ADL workers and volunteers.   Since everyone knows this isn’t true, the Jewish Duff was caught with his pants down and his habit of bald-faced lying fully revealed.  Other topics of discussion:

    • Mike thanks Gordon Duff for bringing so much new traffic to his sites;
    • How well do people in the Truth Movement know the truth of what they’re talking about;
    • David Duke’s friendliness with Jeff Rense and Gordon Duff questioned;
    • Should contributing writers for Veteran’s Today be painted with a broad brush along with Duff and his associates, Jim Dean and Mike Harris (must listen);
    • Gordon Duff’s agenda seems to be the basic Democratic Party agenda, with his Jewish anti-Hitlerism thrown in;
    • Duff’s gun-confiscation article is very instructive of his real agenda and should be read by all;
    • How to recognize what really is disinfo – it’s not always easy;
    • Mike recommends we need  more activism “in the streets,” and talking together, like on his teamspeak channel.

    Callers Andre and Martin added to the program.

    The Heretics' Hour: Will Williams meets William Finck

    Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-01-21 19:11

    Jan. 21, 2013

    Two men with very distinct personalities and followings meet each other for the first time on this program, revealing in the ensuing exchange that the division among White Nationalists over religion is deeper than any other disagreement. Will Williams, who was associated with William Pierce when he was alive, manages The Legacy of Dr. William Pierce and is a vehement foe of Christianity. William Finck is owner of Christogenea, a Christian Identity site, and it’s subdomain The Mein Kampf Project. Other topics discussed:

    • Was Adolf Hitler a Christian, a nominal Christian, or anti-Christian?
    • What sources for Hitler’s direct statements about religion are reliable?
    • The Sandy Hook “shooting” as a pretext for strict gun control laws;
    • How ordinary people can best lobby against the gun control legislation being pushed by the Obama administration;
    • What kind of guns do ordinary people need to own for effective self-defence;
    • The prevalence of false footage used in television news reports, as in a recent Anderson Cooper/CNN segment;
    • David Duke makes cozy with Gordon Duff on his radio show;
    • Public trust in government and business leaders is very low in a recent poll; time to take advantage of that?

    Hadding Scott and Walt Hampton called in during the 2nd hour.

    Kevin MacDonald on End of Year Strategies for White Advocacy

    Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-12-17 18:45

    Dec. 17, 2012

    Prof. Kevin MacDonald assesses the situation for White Advocacy as 2012 comes to a close. After the wake-up call of the national election, now there is the shock of the 20 children murdered in their kindergarten classroom in Connecticut.  Discussion included:

    • The good news is a crop of new writers and Internet sites that focus on White people’s issues;
    • The bad news is we can’t get onto mainstream TV, even for an interview;
    • Very strong anti-communist America First movement in the 30′s and 40′s was ended in an instant by Pearl Harbor, essentially a false-flag event;
    • Strategies to use when The Second Amendment is seriously challenged in 2013 in the wake of the Connecticut shootings;
    • The dismal state of psychiatry  today, and the overuse of poorly understood drugs;
    • Blame for most of what’s gone wrong can be placed on the liberal revolution that began in the 1960′s.

    Problems with the call-in system plus human error caused some delay at the beginning of the 2nd hour.

      In the first hour, Carolyn attempts to put some finality to her researches into the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion by showing that the origin and authorship still cannot be known for certain. Thus their value lies in their ability to reveal changes in Western nations that result from wars and revolutions, just as they have occurred, and how they were carried out and by whom. If this is not good enough for some people, then they will see the Protocols as having no, or too little, value. Carolyn still rates this document as having, on balance, an important contribution to make.

      The Heretics' Hour: The White Network 6-month progress report

      Published by carolyn on Mon, 2012-12-03 18:48

      Dec. 3, 2012

      Where are we going? … is the overall theme discussed by Tanstaafl and Carolyn — not only in relation to The White Network, but to the entire White Advocacy or White Nationalist movement. The two see themselves as unique in Internet radio in the sense of being totally intolerant of any Jewish or other non-white presence, and see no need to change that.  After a slightly delayed beginning of one full minute (sorry about that),  some areas of discussion were:

      • “Race Matters” is the subject of Tan’s  shows on tWn and also the lesson taken from the recent Presidential elections;
      • Carolyn wants to explore ways to go on the offensive using Jewish tactics to expose Jewish tactics;
      • How serious are the divisions that exist between pro-white peoples — are we exacerbating them unnecessarily;
      • The pros and cons of selling advertising and seeking for larger audiences;
      • The White Network experience with hosting other programs and why it is difficult;
      • What is effective vs what is entertaining and just fills people’s listening needs;
      • Call from Don about the decline in TV watching.

      In the end we conclude we want to satisfy ourselves, making that our standard. We hope by satisfying ourselves we can satisfy our listeners too.

      Image reads "Where are we going?"
