Saturday Afternoon: MacDonald and Tanstaafl on Auster and Jewish Influence

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-03-16 11:39

March 16, 2013

Prof. Kevin MacDonald, author of the famous trilogy on Jewish evolutionary strategy, and Blogger Tanstaafl of Age of Treason have both written about Jewish-turned-Christian Blogger Lawrence Auster (recent photo shown at right) and been written about by him in return. Look here for Tanstaafl.  In this program they consider:

  • Why Auster is someone worth writing about;
  • Comparing Auster to an Alan Dershowitz;
  • Jewish ethnocentricity as a biological trait or imperative vs an ideology;
  • How approval for the term “the Other” changes whether used by Jews or Whites;
  • Why Jews are so anti-White;
  • Can we afford to have Jews in White nations if we want them to remain White;
  • How to get over fear of being called names;
  • Dilemma of young, white males in today’s multicultural society;
  • And a few more things, too.

Calls from Rick, Stuart, Patty and Rodney added to the program in the 2nd hour. Carolyn apologizes for her telephone foible and for missing the program’s ending … again.

Saturday Afternoon: How Charles Krafft inadvertently forced the art world to deal with “holocaust denial”

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-03-09 12:23

March 9, 2013

Prominent Seattle artist Charles Krafft, whose comment on this very program last July that he believed the holocaust was “a myth”  caused shock in the politically far-Left and Jewish-dominated art world, tells what it’s been like on his end since The Stranger article appeared on February 13th.  Discussion includes:

  • Charles’ interview requests include Public Radio International (PRI);
  • What his old friends are saying and writing to him now;
  • His history as a ceramics artist with his Disasterwaredebuting in 1991 and “Spone China” in 1999;
  • His connections to Slovenia and Romania, and the influence they had;
  • Difference between holocaust denial, skepticism and revisionism;
  • The importance, or not, of the artist’s intention and reasons for creating the work of art;
  • Is it the art or the artist that the art public should consider;
  • Art like Krafft’s can give a little distance from the “relentless mythologization of figures like Hitler (seen above in the form of a teapot) into symbolic demons.”

Saturday Afternoon: Deception Rampant from the Art World to the News World

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-03-02 12:29

March 2, 2013

Carolyn shines the spotlight on the critics of artist and “Holocaust” sceptic/researcher Charles Krafft. After an “expose” in a Seattle gay lifestyle” magazine called him a White Nationalist and possible Holocaust Denier, others repeated the story, including the Huffington Post. A couple named Phil Campbell and Emily Hall (he writes for HuffPost and she for The Stranger) are scrutinized for their bizarre views that appear to be typical of the Ultra-Left.

Saturday Afternoon: Arthur Rudolf and Julius Streicher – Two very unlike German National Socialists martyred by Jews

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-23 12:19

Feb. 23, 2013

Carolyn details the life and achievements of two under-appreciated German National Socialist Party members and how they were perversely persecuted by jealous Jews. It is a study in the Jewish art of revenge and their targeting of the weak and those who are in a vulnerable position. It is a study of cowardice going up against courage. It is a warning of what is in store for all of us if we don’t regain our sovereignty.

  • Arthur Rudolf (left picture) was essential in developing the German V-2 Rocket for the first jet aircraft in the world – then developed the Saturn 5 rocket that sent American’s to the moon in 1969;
  • Later the U.S Justice Dept. and Congress allowed him to be branded a war criminal and banished from the country by a cabal of Jews;
  • Forgot to mention that Rep. Bill Green of NY (Jew) introduced a bill in 1985 to strip Rudolph of the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, and reintroduced it in 1987;
  • Julius Streicher (right picture) helped build up the National Socialist Party and Adolf Hitler’s popularity with his controversial but truthful magazine Der Stürmer (The Stormer);
  • The anti-Hitler Allied War Crimes Tribunal inaccurately and illegally charged him as a war criminal (when he had nothing to do with the war) and allowed Jewish and Negro officers to torture him in prison.

Saturday Afternoon: An Investigation into a 'Holocaust' Blogger

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-16 12:52

Feb. 16, 2013

Above: Herb Stolpmann’s picture on “My own German ID, during my stay at the old SS hospital. House 52B.” [I tried to separate just the photo, but couldn't do it so you get the whole thing.] Note the date 1952. Herb says he was discharged from the Wehrmacht by the Americans in 1946 at the age of 18. His discharge papers are on his site. He worked for the Americans in and around Munich and the Dachau camp until 1956.

After being frustrated by Herb Stolpmann‘s silence to questions she put to him in a comments section at Scrapbookpages Blog, Carolyn did a thorough reading of Stolpmann’s DachauKZ blog.  From this, she extracted the character study she presents in this program. She describes Stolpmann as a “cosmopolitan” internationalist who finds some kind of satisfaction by relating his brief WWII experience in the Wehrmacht and lengthy post-war experience at the Dachau former concentration camp in the employ of the Americans. His preference for Americans over Germans is quite clear, but it also seems that Germans did not care much for him!

After running out of stories about Dachau, Herb’s later entries are mainly text taken directly from communist, Jewish and Soviet Russian sources about other German concentration camps.

Saturday Afternoon: Conversation with Alex Linder

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-09 11:41

Feb. 9, 2013

The Golden Dawn party in Greece is presently the primary interest for Alex Linder of VNN Forum. Our conversation started and ended with it, but in between he also talked about Anders Breivik, the gun control legislation Obama is trying to pass, and infighting in the “movement” – how it should and shouldn’t be done. Some of the points made:

  • Why a nationalist party could gain success in Greece, but not elsewhere in Europe or the U.S.;
  • Only young men will carry out a revolutionary movement;
  • Must say clearly that “we are White and want what is good for Whites;
  • Begin organizing from national conditions or on a state or regional basis?;
  • How much individualism can be tolerated in a political party manifesto;
  • Sandy Hook and Gun Controlplanned or accidental;
  • Alex’s thread on Strategy.

An email from Paul and a phone call from Stuart added to the show. Missed an email from Stuart telling me the militias are alive and well, see here. Sorry about the abrupt closing – my fault.

Saturday Afternoon: Should questioning motives and methods be called "infighting?"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-02-02 12:41

Feb. 2, 2013

Carolyn does what she’s good at: Criticism of high-profile members of our “truth community,” some of whom are known as “pro-White” or “White identity” and some who are not.  This is so difficult to put into words, it’s best to go straight to the bullets:

  • The question of leadership comes up, and along with that – money;
  • Disappointment with David Duke and Ingrid Zundel for their association with Jeff Rense, Gordon Duff and others;
  • ‘Gordo’ Duff’s attempts to get representatives from all sides, including revisionists like Zundel and White nationalists like Duke, on his “internationalist” VT website;
  • Questioning Duke’s radio program on Dec. 13 treating Duff as a great friend;
  • Ingrid Zundel’s admission of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, several times over, in legal fees for Ernst – saying they can raise any amount they want;
  • Internationalist vs nationalists: never the twain shall meet;
  • Nationalism is always antisemitic and about racial purity – can’t be otherwise.

Phone call from Ray in Texas on nationalism.

    Pictured: David Duke on cover of Time Magazine, May 9, 2005.

    Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Mike Delaney

    Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-01-26 11:41

    Jan. 26, 2013

    Mike Delaney (shown right with one of his four children) of and Missing Links, the Movie  is Carolyn’s guest to discuss his websites and the recent claim by Gordon Duff that two of them [Ratfaced Jews and Jewish Problem] are funded by Abe Foxman’s Anti-Defamation League and “managed” by ADL workers and volunteers.   Since everyone knows this isn’t true, the Jewish Duff was caught with his pants down and his habit of bald-faced lying fully revealed.  Other topics of discussion:

    • Mike thanks Gordon Duff for bringing so much new traffic to his sites;
    • How well do people in the Truth Movement know the truth of what they’re talking about;
    • David Duke’s friendliness with Jeff Rense and Gordon Duff questioned;
    • Should contributing writers for Veteran’s Today be painted with a broad brush along with Duff and his associates, Jim Dean and Mike Harris (must listen);
    • Gordon Duff’s agenda seems to be the basic Democratic Party agenda, with his Jewish anti-Hitlerism thrown in;
    • Duff’s gun-confiscation article is very instructive of his real agenda and should be read by all;
    • How to recognize what really is disinfo – it’s not always easy;
    • Mike recommends we need  more activism “in the streets,” and talking together, like on his teamspeak channel.

    Callers Andre and Martin added to the program.

    Saturday Afternoon: How the translator affects meanings in the Protocols of Zion

    Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-01-19 11:33

    Jan. 19, 2013

    Harlan Schulke is Carolyn’s guest to discuss what he considers to be very meaningful differences between translations of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion – the two main ones being the Victor Marsden and the Boris Brasol (or perhaps Natalie de Bogery) translations. Brazol’s translation was used for The International Jew by Henry Ford. In addition to comparing specific passages, Schulke made the following points:

    • Just the fact that our government is filled with “dual-Israeli-U.S. citizens” reflects much that is written in the Protocols;
    • Jewish nationalism is the term he prefers over “global conspiracy;”
    • The source of Jewish nationalism is in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy;
    • The Protocols also throw light on the ritual murder accusations through the centuries.

    Pictured right:  Boris Brazol, Russian monarchist expatriate credited with translating the Protocols, in a library after coming to the U.S. I could not find a picture that I was sure was Victor Marsden. Schulke rates the Brazol translation as inferior to that of Marsden.

    Saturday Afternoon: Sandy Hook, Part 2

    Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-01-12 11:49

    Jan. 12, 2013

    Rare photo of inside the Sandy Hook firehouse (which is where we are told  hundreds of kids were hidden) tweeted at 11:36 am on Dec. 14 does not show it packed with children. (I see three ~ cy) Photo credit: Audrey Washington, NBC , on Twitter, copied from

    We are told that the lesson to be drawn from the Sandy Hook “massacre” is that easy access to assault-type weapons creates a public danger of untold proportions. We need to understand that the real danger is from our public media, which is the ultimate WMD (weapon of mass destruction) for our people.

    The media has given us an “official narrative” of Sandy Hook which on even semi-close inspection cannot be believed. Thus it comes under the category of  an operation to “change our perception of reality” in order to make us more pliable to the wishes of our governments. (In other words, a psychological operation or psyop.)

    Carolyn discusses the reports and rumors about Sandy Hook from this point of view and points to the danger within the “alternative media” and/or “truth movement” of getting bogged down in debate over details of little consequence, as has happened in the 9/11 Truth Movement and also in “The Holocaust,” for that matter.   Mentioned on the program: Fla. Atlantic Univ. Professor James Tracy interviewed on Guns and Butter.  Jan. 11th attack on Prof. Tracy by CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
