The return of Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn?

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2014-05-25 15:24

Thanks enzog! I love it.

You've really cornered me with this. If Adolf himself wants me to continue producing Saturday Afternoon shows, how can I not? In fact, just seeing this gives me a burst of energy. Laughing

I thought I might have a Saturday show yesterday, but other things got in the way. I will need to do some, though, because I have more material and topics than available show space with just The Heretics' Hour.

I want to confess that I was uncomfortable in the past when you proclaimed me to be "a leader in the pro-White movement" or, as you're doing in this current post, "the world’s leading commentator on the Third Reich." I did not love you for it. But now, after all that has been happening in just the past month and a half, I am starting to agree with you!

As I look about, I see less of both leadership and respect for truth. I see a lot of retreat and cowardice. I don't see much of anyone with what I consider compelling things to say. So, while it's a sad day, in my opinion, when I feel that I have as much or more to offer than whoever else is out there, I am ready to take myself more seriously. That doen't mean I will start leading anything, but I will try not to retreat into that false modesty and/or fear of success (which is always accompanied by loss of privacy) that I have always tended toward. One thing going for me: I've always been right. Me and Adolf, eh?


enzog, leadership

Saturday Afternoon: White Nationalism, Eurasianism, and the future of Europe

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-04-12 12:48

April 12, 2014

Map of Eurasia for Eurasian Political Movement - Oct. 10, 2012 (click to enlarge)

Carolyn questions whether White Nationalism “worldwide” can work, then points to various reports that show Putin is no friend of White Nationalists, followed by a look at Eurasianism and what it means to the West. Some highlights:

Saturday Afternoon: Roots of the myth of National-Socialism's "occult roots"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-04-05 13:59

April 5, 2014

Charles Krafft joins Carolyn as she explains from whence comes the idea that völkish/racial means the same thing as occultish/magical. Charles tells about the books and authors that have had a big influence in perpetuating the popular image of the “Supernatural Nazi.” Some highlights:

  • Adolf Hitler banned and suppressed esoteric organizations and individuals from having any connection to or influence on the NSDAP or his government from 1933-45;
  • The Thule Society emerged out of the Germanenorden (founded 1912), became a political organization in 1918, out of which Anton Drexler formed the German Worker’s Party (DAP) in 1919;
  • By Feb. 1920, Adolf Hitler had reconstituted the DAP into the NSDAP and severed all remaining links to the Thule Society;
  • An English fantasy novel “Vril, the Power of the Coming Race” was the source of the Vril idea, used by some, like Maria Orsic,  to engage in supposed communications with extraterrestrials;
  • Heinrich Himmler and two others established the Ahnenerbe institute within the SS to study “German Ancestral Heritage” through experiments and archaeological and cultural expeditions;
  • Since 1945, writers have produced a whole genre of “occult Nazi” books, comics and movies leading up to pornographic “stalags” featuring sadistic “Nazis” and their victims;
  • There has always been attraction to the fantastic and supernatural (and sexual!) and there always will be, but we should be aware it is also used to manipulate and fool us.

Image: Montage of supposed N-S "occult" figures and symbols includes Helena Blavatsky, Guido Von List and Heinrich Himmler across center; Dietrich Eckert & Karl Haushofer bottom. Click to enlarge.

Saturday Afternoon: How to regain our moral legitimacy

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-03-29 12:32

March 29, 2014

The malaise of Whites can be attributed to our susceptibility to attacks on our virtue, mainly driven by Jewish interests that control vast segments of society, such as media, religion and education. To defend ourselves we need a tough skin and a deep loyalty to our folk. Some highlights:

  • The contradictions of Russia, and the emigration of Russians into Western Europe;
  • The different cultures within the White race, and how that can affect following a single, central leadership;
  • The royal family of Russia (the Romanovs) were actually of German blood; even the Bulgarian and Albanian monarchs took German, Italian and Spanish wives;
  • Kevin MacDonald’s identification of “moral legitimacy” as the main problem White’s have is spot-on, but how we demonstrate our “goodness” is debatable;
  • Jews and non-Whites are unceasingly at work trying to instill guilt in Whites – we can only counter it by believing we are intrinsically good;
  • Dr. Rafael Medoff, a true rat-faced jew, accuses Roosevelt’s ambassador to Germany Thomas Dodd of antisemitism for using the words ‘Chosen People’ in a private letter in 1934;
  • The Eugenic Movement should be defended as good across the board, as a right of every people to improve itself.

Image: Booklet given to German boys and girls when they finished basic school - summarizes concepts as folk, fatherland, Reich, race, duty, comradeship and patriotism. Part of their duty was to find the right mate and create at least four children.

Saturday Afternoon: 1914-2014 - A Centenary of War, with Richard Edmonds

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-03-15 12:40

March 15, 2014

British Nationalist Richard Edmonds joins Carolyn to discuss the causes of WWI and, in particular, Britain’s role in bringing about this devastating event that ushered in even worst disasters in its wake.  We also discuss the White Man’s March which took place today, with Paul Hickman calling in the 2nd hour with a report of his activities in Birmingham, England. Some highlights of this interesting discussion:

  • Britain became a more war-like country after the Norman invasion of William the Conqueror in the 11th Century;
  • Britain declared war on Germany in both World Wars;
  • In 1922, the British government officially apologized to the German Army for the atrocity propaganda lies put out during the war, shocking the American public who felt “used”;
  • What happened in the 20th Century was a huge betrayal of the trust of the patriotic citizens by the British establishment, on an unprecedented scale -Edmonds;
  • What is the purpose for desiring a society made up of a 1% fabulously wealthy “overclass”, a 3% criminal “underclass”, and a 40% “middle class” of working people supporting the rest;
  • The holocaust lie (which must be defeated) was created at the Nuremberg Tribunal, which some American jurists called a “lynch mob”;
  • Richard describes some of the torture carried out on German POW’s to get them to confess to crimes they didn’t commit;
  • Demonization of patriots began in earnest after WWII by calling them “Nazis” and bringing up the “Holocaust”;
  • Paul brings up National-Socialist Germany’s independence from the Central Banking System as a cause for WWII.

Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Richard Edmonds

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-03-01 11:39

March 1, 2014

Richard Edmonds, former Deputy Leader and National Organizer for the British National Party (BNP) from 1982-99 under Leader John Tyndall, likes to call himself a race realist. An excellent speaker, he is now a member of the National Front, under whose banner he last stood for election in 2012. Some of the topics covered:

  • Nothing is more important to Britain than the race problem – that in London, one-half of babies are now born to mothers who themselves were born overseas;
  • Born in 1943, Edmonds grew up in a totally White, crime-free Britain because the non-whites of the colonies were not allowed to immigrate into the UK;
  • Britain has become a multi-racial nation today because the politicians LIED in the 1950′s about what was intended – and the people believed them ;
  • Britain is a police state, with a Race Act making it a criminal offense to be “insulting,” even if what is said is true;
  • British nationalist political campaigning puts a big emphasis on leafleting, and during elections leaving one at every house and talking to every person;
  • The increasing debt of all “White countries” will bring about such a decline in living standards as to encourage the non-Whites to return to their own countries of national origin.

Saturday Afternoon: More on Germany persecution with Dr. Andreas Wesserle

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-02-22 12:34

February 22,2014

From whence comes the intense historical attacks on “the German people,” and why? Is it purely because of economic competition, or is there another level involved? Retired professor Andreas Wesserle talks about the genocidal residential bombing of Germany planned out by Winston Churchill and his "scientific advisor" Dr. F.  Lindemann (Lord Cherwell), whom also went after thousands of irreplaceable cultural-historical landmarks in some of the oldest German cities. Some highlights of the discussion:

  • The British Mosquito 2-engine fighter-bomber had the capacity to fly all the way to Germany and back, and outfly all German fighters at the time – thus the heavy bombers were not needed;
  • Erich Kern in the Swiss newspaper Die Tat in 1955 put the number of German civilian dead due to air attacks at 2 million, 5 thousand.
  • Initially, the Americans were only bombing legitimate war targets, like the Messerschmitt factory outside of Regensburg in 1943, but later also became genocidal;
  • The fate of the Eastern Jews: some came West, a million more in the Soviet east were dispatched by Stalin to Siberia;
  • The “Sophie Scholl fable” similar to the Anne Frank romantic stories;
  • Hans Scholl and the half-Russian Alexander Schmorell wrote pamphlets under the banner of the White Rose Society with text suspiciously similar to Soviet propaganda and the Nuremburg Tribunal findings.

Image:  Carpet bombing of the Munich Bogenhausen residential district in background, with St. Peter's at right foreground (Munich's oldest and most important parish) already gutted.(click to enlarge) More Munich pictures here, here and here.

Saturday Afternoon: Conversation with Margaret Huffstickler about Lies and Those Who Tell Them

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-02-15 12:23

Feb. 15, 2015

Margaret Huffstickler joins me again to discuss the extent and nature of the LIES we loyal White have to deal with on a regular basis. Our topics ranged from Hollywood movies to Internet gossip on Facebook, and much in between.

Saturday Afternoon: February '45 Allied War Crimes - Steuben Sinking and Dresden Bombing

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-02-08 12:49

Feb. 8, 2014

Map shows the three greatest maritime disasters in history, all in early 1945 – a total of 20, 660 fatalities!

Dr. Andreas Wesserle returns as Carolyn’s special guest after a 3-year absence to discuss a letter to Queen Elizabeth II and a  paper on RAF and USAF strategic bombing  history he has written. Dr. Wesserle has been on The Heretics” Hour six times previously (when it was at Voice of Reason); his last appearance was Feb. 21, 2011.

About Dr. Wesserle: Born in Prague, he was a member of the Karpatendeutsche community in Slovakia and experienced the tyranny of the partisans in Sept. 1944. He emigrated to the United States from war-torn, refugee-filled West Germany with his parents in 1952. They settled in Wisconsin, where he still lives after a distinguished teaching career in U.S. and European universities. Highlights:

Saturday Afternoon: The Protocols of Zion and Antisemitism

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-02-01 12:28

Feb. 1, 2014

What does acceptance of the Protocols and denial of the HoloCo$t have in common? ANTISEMITISM … which, according to almost all Jews, is the ultimate crime (because it leads to genocide, they are taught). Carolyn looks at a few  sites that seek to keep “Holocaust” alive, and finds they all have sections devoted to antisemitism … and the Protocols too!

Image: Booklet by Frederick Soddy, British Nobel prize-winning chemist (1921) and one of the fathers of nuclear fission, in which he quotes from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion on economic ideas, five years after its so-called exposure as a forgery. His co-author was Walter Crick, uncle of Francis Crick of DNA-fame. Click to enlarge.
