Saturday Afternoon podcast

Problems listening to podcasts

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2019-06-19 13:35

I HAVE MANY ARCHIVED PODCASTS STORED here under "Radio Archives" on the sidebar.

Sometimes I hear from a listener who is having problems when using the players. What commonly happens is the player will play for a few minutes and then shut off, or sometimes restart at the beginning again, never getting past a certain length of time. I often have this problem myself.

Saturday Afternoon: Holo fakery comes on strong for Auschwitz 70th Anniversary

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-11-29 21:05

Nov. 29, 2014

shoes at majdanek

The 800,000 pairs of shoes at Majdanek camp memorial that prove that 78,000 shoe owners were gassed there. Oops! the number have changed - what to do now? Even so, the criminals who stole 8 pairs of this precious cargo are being hunted down. Enlarge

How to approach the holohoax media blitz coming our way for the 70th Anniversary of the so-called "liberation" of Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Soviet Red Army on January 27, 2015. Carolyn discusses some of what is going on:

Saturday Afternoon: Hitler's "fatal mistakes" and Germany's "mixed people"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-11-15 20:16

Nov. 15, 2014

Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels (far right) meets with POW Soviet Generals Vlasov (far left) and Schienkow (center) in February 1945. Enlarge

Carolyn Yeager begins by addressing the silly, gossipy attacks floating around about her which have their source with Rodney Martin. She points out that Martin is losing decent radio hosts because of his in-the-gutter behavior, which is just what he deserves.

Carolyn then critiques her friend Wolf Wall Street's presentation on the "Nordic Myth" and Germany's "mixed ethnicity people", plus Adolf Hitler's "fatal" mistakes" from Wolf's latest podcast (on 11-9). Wolf came on during the second hour to discuss our differences, as well as Markus who was a big help and was appreciated by both. During the overtime, things heated up and Wolf left the conversation, but Markus and I continued a little longer. I think it was an informative program; the listener can judge for himself. Nothing essential was removed in the editing.

Saturday Afternoon: Trash Talk in Trashnationalism

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-11-08 19:31

Nov. 8, 2014

Carolyn Yeager answers some of the more ridiculous of the trash talk directed at her from Rodney Martin, who is trying to be recognized as a national White leader, on the Oct. 30th radio show hosted by his current second-in-command David Baillie.

Carolyn will tell about events in which she has been involved since January 2007:

  • Bill White and his ANSWP and National Socialist magazine;
  • Ein Anderer Hitler and The Barnes Review;
  • Voice of Reason and Republic Broadcasting Networks;
  • Elie Wiesel Cons The World and;
  • The White Network;
  • Calls from Don Advo and Hadding Scott.

Reference for this show:

Saturday Afternoon: Music of the Third Reich

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-11-01 18:53

Nov. 1, 2014

Margaret Huffstickler returns after too long of an absence with a wide range of music styles and performers that personify the cultural life during the National-Socialist period. We begin with composer-conductor Richard Strauss and singers Jussi Björling, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and Heinrich Schlusnus, plus Gerhard Huesch and Rudolf Schock (pictured at right in top hat).

We play two degenerate composers to give you an idea of what the Third Reich didn't allow in its concert halls or on it's record labels ... by the Jew Schoenberg and the communist Hindemith. For the intermission, we play the full 11 minutes of Wilhelm Furtwaengler conducting Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" on the Fuehrer's birthday when he is in the audience.

Following that we feature Erna Berger, Hermann Prey and Hans Albers with more popular-type music, ending with Heinrich Spitta singing a Hitler Jugend song. As an encore, the incomparable Zarah Leander.

Much appreciation to Margaret Huffstickler for bringing this musical show to us. 2hr9min

Saturday Afternoon: Race, Ethnicity and Ideology

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-10-25 18:33

The Russian Federation is a multi-ethnic state with the 2nd largest number of immigrants in the world, after the U.S. But it represents "Freedom", according to "the Saker" and Alexandr Dugin. Freedom for whom?

Oct. 25, 2014

Carolyn Yeager goes beyond the reality of Race to the further distinction of Ethnicity and how that leads to various Ideologies. 1hr57min.

  • The Hitler view of the healthy state and the Putin view do not coincide;

  • The ethnicities of Europe and their distinct cultures cause discomfort to Globalists, WN's and to Putinists;
  • The concept of "Novorossia" appears to be just another way to expand territorial control;
  • Callous disregard for Russian boy-fighters recruited online described by mother of dead son;
  • The Saker blog is criticized for promoting East-West division and obviously dishonest fund-raising tactics;   
  • I forgot to talk about the "Zombie Nazi Invasion" video created by a Russian rights group to warn about the dangers of racism and xenophobia. Don't miss it!

Saturday Afternoon: Jews in White ethno-states - No!

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-10-11 18:08

Oct. 11, 2014

Like oil and water, Aryans and Jews don't mix, yet so many White Nationalists want to believe they do. Carolyn looks at a few "krazy karacters" who've made themselves home in the Right, New Right and Ethno-Right and asks if anything is gained. 1h56m. Main topics:

  • The Jew at right, radio host  Robert Stark, will host a debate between the converted Jew Luke Ford and Rodney Martin on "Are Jews good for Western Civilization?" (duh);
  • The disagreement about Jews amongst us makes for some irreconcilable differences between pro-White groups and organizations;
  • Carolyn argues that "White" or European is too broad a category to have meaning;
  • Who are National-Socialists, and how many who call themselves that don't fit the profile?

Saturday Afternoon: Where, oh where is White Nationalism going?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-10-04 18:16

Oct. 4, 2014

Carolyn Yeager discusses the various forms 'White Nationalism' takes and why it is floundering. 2hr7min. Main topics:

  • New Right, Alt Right and Old Right;
  • The Asian wife problem, also the Russian wife and Jew wife;
  • The troubled conference in Budapest organized by Richard Spencer;
  • The Ukraine situation and Putin sympathizers;
  • Colin Liddell's attack on The Daily Stormer and "nazi-worship";
  • Majority Rights also insists on forgetting Hitler.

Saturday Afternoon: Anniversary Celebration!

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-09-27 18:32

Sept. 27, 2014

Carolyn Yeager celebrates the 3-year mark of this website by reporting on some visitor statistics that show traffic has basically doubled in the 3rd year over the first 2 years combined. 2 hrs. Other topics include:

  • Time to start working on the site in preparation for the 70th Anniversary of Holohoax Memorial Day;
  • Robert Faurisson writes of the vile telephone harrassment directed at his wife and himself by an Israeli Jew, and the lack of any police response;
  • As necessary as traditional scientific-technical-historical revisionism is, it by itself will not free us from this false blood libel;
  • Single most important issue for revisionism is for many more people (writers and commenters) to report on and demonstrate in clear, objective fashion specific incidents of harm caused to our White people and nations by criminal Jews, and to show the pattern;
  • It is true this is being done, but needs to be done by many more to reach the mainstream;
  • Don, the California lawyer, called in and we discussed holohoax as religion and filing lawsuits, etc.

Saturday Afternoon: Persecution of Matt Hale and the lie of equal rights under the law

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-09-20 18:09

Sept. 20, 2014

Carolyn Yeager speaks with Evelyn Hutcheson, mother of Reverend Matt Hale. Ms. Hutcheson describes new efforts to free the founder of The New Church of the Creator, now called The Creativity Movement, from the 40-year prison sentence of which he has already served 11 years.

Carolyn discusses the persecution of nationalist parties in Germany from 1949 until today's NPD, which still works to keep the flame alive.

Don, a California attorney calls in to speak about wimpy White professionals. 2hr14min.

You can write to:  Matthew Hale 15177-424, U.S.P. Max, PO Box 8500, Florence CO 81226-8500 

Mail donations to: Evelyn Hutcheson, 200 Carlson Ave. Apt. 25H, Washington IL 61571

For further information: [email protected]

Image: Matt Hale, now age 43, in his maximum security isolation cell at Administrative Maximum, Florence, Colorado.
