It's the first day of 2023; have you made your resolutions yet?

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2023-01-01 14:26

By Carolyn Yeager

I'VE JUST COMPLETED MINE. I got sidetracked from my original intention, and had to change what I had in mind for that reason. Now I'm in more traditional territory - my #1 resolution is to stop procrastinating, or to make great improvements in reducing it. Already today I heard myself saying, "Not today ... tomorow will be a better day to do it." I realized I say that EVERY DAY several times and it always feels convincing. However, the best time to do everything is now, when I think of it. I don't have to make a big production of it. Just do it. But everything has become a 'big production' for me. This I want to stop.



German Court hands down 2 year suspended sentence to 97 yr old former typist 80 years after the fact

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2022-12-21 14:30

Irmgard Furchner sits well-covered in the courtroom in Itzehoe, Germany  appearing to be 'holstered' to her seat, apparently to keep the 97 year-old from collapsing forward?

By Carolyn Yeager

IRMGARD FURCHNER IS THE LATEST VICTIM of the Jewish-controlled so-called German “justice” system's pursuit of  nonagenarians (persons aged 90-99) they can convict for the crime of “accessory to murder” based entirely on being employed in a concentration or labor camp during the last years of the National Socialist regime. The whole purpose of this costly, taxpayer-funded endeavor is to further blacken the reputation of Adolf Hitler's government, and to bolster belief in Jewish suffering and losses during World War II, that Jews were pivotal in bringing about. That's really what it comes down to, but it's doctored up with contrived language and vivid 'survivor testimony' to make it appear the sacrificial goat being convicted “knew” or “had to know” that detainees at whatever camp they were at were being murdered on a mass scale.

Adolf Hitler on Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe, Part Two

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2022-12-10 17:24

Chapter 14, Vol II: Part Two - Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe  Summary

14.10   As early as 1920-21 […] the party was approached from various quarters in an attempt to connect it with liberationist movements in other countries. This was in line with the much-promoted 'League of Oppressed Nations.'


I always resisted such attempts. […]

The alliance with Austria, as well as that with Turkey, was not very helpful. (Referring to the recent Great War -cy) […] Germany paid dearly for that mistaken foreign policy. But it wasn't bitter enough to prevent our eternal visionaries from falling back into the same error again. The attempt to disarm the all-powerful victors through a 'League of Oppressed Nations' is not only ridiculous but disastrous, … because it continually diverts the German people from real possibilities, which they abandon for the sake of fruitless hopes and illusions.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

The Shrinking 'Holocaust'

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2022-12-03 18:37

... How small can it get and still be called a Holocaust?

Prior to 2021, Majdanek was considered by the USHMM one of the six "extermination camps" in far Eastern Germany/General-Government (formerly Poland between the 1st and 2nd world wars). It's now been quietly removed from this group, leaving only five camps in which Jews are alleged to have been killed as part of a planned genocide.

By Carolyn Yeager

ANOTHER 'DEATH CAMP' HAS BEEN QUIETLY REMOVED from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) website's pages on the "Final Solution."

A recent email from Jon M. brought to my attention that the flagship U.S. Holocaust museum in Washington DC has made a significant change to their description of “the final solution.”

Adolf Hitler on Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe, Part One

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2022-11-26 13:09

Chapter 14, Vol II: Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe  Summary

14.1  A source of anxiety to me:  The members of our movement are not recruited from those who are indifferent, but rather mostly from among those with very extreme worldviews. [...] It's only natural that their understanding of foreign politics should suffer from prejudice and inadequate knowledge ... However harmful their previous teaching may have been, this was at least partially balanced by a residue of sound and natural instincts. [...] Thus I feel myself obliged to offer to my own colleagues a clear exposition of the most important problem in foreign policy, namely, our relation to Russia.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

The great Udo Walendy dies in Germany at age 95

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2022-11-23 13:39

There is not as much information on the Internet as there should be for this important revisionist historian. But that's the story of our time.

Walendy was born in Berlin on 21 January 1927. He died November 17 in the same city at the ripe age of 95. His best-known book is the classic Truth for Germany – The Question of Guilt for the Second World War, first published in 1964.

He served in the Reich Labor Service and then as a Luftwaffe helper as a teenager before being drafted into the Wehrmacht when he turned 18 in 1945. Walendy completed his secondary education after the war, then attended journalism school in Aachen. Between 1950 to 1956 he studied political science at the Hochschule für Politik in West Berlin, receiving a diploma (a degree in Germany). For the next ten years he was employed as the director of a folk high school (adult education) in Herford and as business leader of an employers association in Bielefeld. [Remember, he was associated with “undesireable” political views in post-war Germany.]

French revisionist scholar Vincent Reynouard arrested in Scotland

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2022-11-20 09:53

I JUST RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM PETER RUSHTON, of Heritage & Destiny in the UK, with the following information. He writes that the case for extradition to France has been put back to 23rd February next year (with a pre-trial hearing on 8th December). Vincent will remain in a Scottish prison until the extradition question is decided.

Peter also informs me: I have learned that his present address for correspondence is:

Prisoner Number 160071

HMP Edinburgh
Scottish Prison Service
33 Stenhouse Road

EH11 3LN


United Kingdom

He asks that we read the regulations regarding letters to UK prisoners. All letters must include the prisoner name and prisoner number. Please read on for all the currently known details.  -Carolyn

Adolf Hitler on German Post-War Alliance Policy

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2022-10-29 19:55

Chapter 13, Vol II: German Post-War Alliance Policy  Summary

13.1   [The November Criminals] had no interest in an alliance policy that would untimately result in the restoration of a free German State. It would have interrupted and indeed put an end to the internationalization of the German economy and labor; the domestic political effects of a successful fight for freedom from foreign countries would be disastrous for those who now hold power in the Reich.

Since 1918, governmental authorities have failed us in foreign affairs, and State leaders have almost constantly and systematically worked against the interest of the German nation.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler on The Trade Union Question

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2022-10-21 21:05

Chapter 12, Vol II: The Trade Union Question summary

12.1 In the first volume of this book, I explained that unless measures are undertaken to change the employer's attitude toward the worker … the worker has no recourse except to appeal to his equal rights as a contracting party within the economic sphere. I further stated that this would be in the interests of the national community if social injustices could be addressed that would otherwise cause serious damage to the whole social structure. Moreover, the worker would always find it necessary to undertake this protective action as long as some among the employers had no sense of their social obligations, or even elementary human rights. I concluded by saying that if such self-defense was considered necessary, it could only exist in the form of a workers' association on a trade-union basis.

Now it was necessary to find a clear and precise formula regarding these problems.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler on The Mask of Federalism

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2022-10-14 11:21

Chapter 10, Vol II: The Mask of Federalism

(I inadvertently skipped from Chapt. 9 to Chapt 11. I can't change the order of the posts, so Chapt 10 is appearing after Chapt 11. But give me credit that I did finally notice it! -cy)

10.2   Until November 1918, the average man misunderstood what was happening, and didn't realize what the inevitable consequences would be of the internecine quarrel between North and South Germans. On the day that the revolution broke out, the leader and organizer of the revolution in Bavaria, the international Jew, Kurt Eisner, began to play off Bavaria against Prussia.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
