Was Adolf Hitler a socialist?

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2020-08-14 01:38

Brothers Otto (left) and Gregor Strasser were early Socialist members of the NSDAP, as well as veterans of the Great War and the right-wing Bavarian Freikorps in 1919. Otto then turned further to the Left and was expelled from the Party in 1930 because of disputes with Adolf Hitler.

by Carolyn Yeager

WAS ADOLF HITLER A SOCIALIST? ACCORDING TO HIS conversations with Otto Strasser in 1930, as reproduced below, the answer is a clear No.

In a recent conversation with my nephew, a 'constitutional conservative', he reiterated that his main complaint against Hitler is that he was a Socialist, and the NSDAP was a Socialist party. Even though I try to explain to him that Germany's "National Socialism" was not the Soviet-style or even a garden-variety socialism, and Hitler was not actually a socialist, my nephew will not accept it, pointing to a couple of items in the NSDAP party program's 25 points that "were never changed."


Otto Strasser

Kalbitz steps down from Brandenburg leadership, awaiting “clarification”

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2020-08-05 12:57

Andreas Kalbitz (left) and Jörg Meuthen meet each other one year ago in Cottbus, an important but depressed city in Brandenburg state.

By Carolyn Yeager

See my previous post from May 16: https://carolynyeager.net/alternative-fuer-deutschland-votes-expel-popular-right-wing-state-leader-party

Andreas Kalbitz announced Tuesday that he was stepping down from the role of regional leader in Brandenburg, while awaiting legal clarification from a Berlin regional court. The Brandenburg AfD leadership had previously voted to keep Kalbitz as their state leader even after he was no longer a member of the party, but they accepted his resignation unanimously.

Kalbitz had been connected with a “far-right” but legal youth group back in 2007 named Heimattreuen Deutschen Jugend (HDJ), translated as 'German Youth Faithful to the Homeland,' which he said he was never officially a member of, but only attended some events. Since that time, this group has been banned in Germany.

AfD vs. Angela Merkel in Germany's Constitutional Court

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2020-07-22 18:44

Germany's highest court, located in Karlsruhe, in session.

By Carolyn Yeager

GERMANY'S PATRIOT PARTY, THE ALTERNATIVE FUER DEUTSCHLAND  (AfD), filed two important lawsuits on Wednesday against Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Karlsruhe High Court for statements she made back on February 5 after the election of Thomas Kemmerich (FDP) as Thuringian state premier.

Merkel, a member of the CDU party, was on a state visit to South Africa at the time, and publicly called the election “unforgivable” and stated “the result must be reversed.” Within a day Kemmerich did voluntarily resign, and a re-run of the vote ended with the re-election of Bodo Ramelow of the Left (communist) Party, which Merkel obviously prefers to any hint of cooperation with the hated (in her eyes) right-wing party, the Alternative fuer Deutschland.

Reminiscences of Fredrick Töben—A Teacher first and foremost

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2020-07-10 12:58

By Carolyn Yeager

GERALD FREDRICK TÖBEN DIED ON JUNE 29 (my birthday) at the age of 76 in Australia where he had lived since he was 10 years old. I'm under the impression the cause of death was a several months long battle with cancer. No one personally informed me of his death. A frequent commenter at my website, David, gave me my first knowledge of it on that day. I was surprised to find so little written about it in the coming days, but I did not reach out to anyone, except for asking Germar Rudolf to corroborate it. He hadn't known either at that point. I thought someone would reach out to me, but no one did. So there we are—the sad fate of a truth-teller and German-defender in our crazy Jew-rocked, Negro-rocked world of 2020—whose demise seems to make little impression.

Trump expands immigration ban to include foreign specialized workers

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2020-06-25 17:31

By Carolyn Yeager

THE NEW ORDER EXTENDS the original 60-day pause President Trump signed on April 22, and goes further by pausing new H-1B tech worker visas, H-2B seasonal worker visas, certain J work and education exchange visitor visas and L executive transfer visas. It will be in effect until the end of the year, but will not affect those who already have a visa.

Exemptions from the ban include some health care workers directly related to COVID-19, and agricultual guest-workers under H-2A. Other exemptions include those in the original green card order, including for members of the U.S. military.

Why I'm calling for a boycott of Black Privilege

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2020-06-09 11:36

Confrontation in Minneapolis during latest BLM riots in June 2020.

By Carolyn Yeager

THERE'S A LOT OF TALK IN WHITE NATIONALIST CIRCLES of “the White race.” Whites this, Whites that. White people are still in the majority in what have always been known as white countries in Europe, North America and Australia. Yet it feels like non-Whites are moving in for the kill in these very stressful days we're now living through.

What are we to do about it? The most important thing we need to do is recognize we hold the power to put ourselves back in the driver's seat, and without any violence taking place or harm to anyone! It's we who have given blacks all the power they have and we don't have to keep doing that.


Race, White Nationalism

We Avow Ourselves to the Divine Racism of the Germanic Peoples

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2020-06-05 19:13

People and Race

The following is something written by German political prisoner Horst Mahler sometime prior to 2006; I do not have the date. Maybe someone can supply it to me. It was written in response to Dr. Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss' "Rasse Und Seele" (Race and Soul) which Mahler labeled an effort to show that the National Socialist racial theory is "harmless" to the non-Nordic races.


by Horst Mahler (translated by Constantin von Hoffmeister)

Hitler definitely thought that the Nordic race was superior - and he was right. Perhaps it is a long time ago since you read chapter 11, "Volk und Rasse" (People and Race), in MEIN KAMPF. Just read it again, now. If somebody comes along and says that [Hitler] does not differentiate between races and does not put them into perspective with one another, he is a liar. He wants to trap you.

Anti-German German Foreign Minister openly sides with US rioters against police

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2020-06-02 18:54

Heiko Maas, Germany's Social Democrat Foreign Minister, supports lawbreaking as long as it's done by Leftists. When it comes to what he calls the Far Right, he's for cracking down hard.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE LEFT-WING SOCIAL DEMOCRAT FOREIGN MINISTER in Germany, Heiko Maas, joins with left-wingers everywhere in criticising the behavior of law enforcement in the United States. Although the FRG (Federal Republic) is the least democratic state in Europe, with its notorious “Paragraph 130” that excludes anything related in any way to the National Socialist regime of 1933-45 from the general freedoms of speech and association guaranteed by German Basic law, Maas expressed concern for American democracy on Tuesday.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday said peaceful protests against police brutality in the United States were "more than legitimate" and called for press freedom for those covering the demonstrations.  (Deutsche Welle.com)

Final tally? Only 14 of 1500 “looted” artworks discovered and returned

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2020-05-29 16:17

"Two Riders on a Beach" by Jewish-German "impressionist" Max Liebermann is considered a "masterpiece" that brought his great nephew $1.9 million at auction at Southeby's, New York, after winning it because it was a treasured family heirloom. This is one of two of the same subject, and is the preliminary painting or sketch for the final, more finished product. In my opinion it's pretty average, even boring, with the one horse's backside awkwardly rendered.

By Carolyn Yeager

REMEMBER THE DISCOVERY OF THE GURLITT COLLECTION? Fifteen hundred artworks found in the possession of Cornelius Gurlitt in 2012 in Munich, that were acclaimed with a lot of hulabaloo and world press attention as “Nazi-looted art”? Well, a special commission was set up to investigate, with the aim of returning the “stolen artworks” to their rightful (Jewish) owners. In 2016, the newly created German Lost Art Foundation (Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste) in Magdeburg took over the research, which has now ended.

Ford Motor Company has good bloodlines, says Trump

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2020-05-26 14:46

U.S. President Donald Trump speaking at the Ford Motor Company plant in Michigan on Thursday, May 21, when he amusingly brought up the "good bloodlines" in the Ford family, with Chairman Bill Ford present.

by Carolyn Yeager

THIS IS THE MOST FUN STORY TO COME UP IN A LONG TIME. I've laughed and laughed. It might as well be a satire, although it isn't. On Thursday, President Donald Trump toured a Ford Motor Company plant in Michigan where he naturally gave a speech, introduced by Ford Chairman Bill Ford - a direct descendant of founder Henry Ford.

Reading from his prepared remarks - which praised the firm for teaming up with General Electric to produce ventilators and face shields for coronavirus medical workers - Trump read “The company, founded by a man named Henry Ford,” then ad-libbed "Good bloodlines, good bloodlines." Looking up, he flashed a charming smile as he said, "If you believe in that stuff, you've got good blood." Almost chuckling, but not quite.
