National Socialism

"Hitler's Table Talk" Study Hour: Episode 8

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2014-05-01 15:59

Looks like Adolf Hitler is paying the bill for his glass of milk and the refreshments for the rest of his party. Or else he's signing an autograph.

May 1, 2014

Carolyn Yeager and Ray Goodwin read and comment on the October 13-14, 1941 dinner table monologues by the German leader, as taken down by a trusted adjutant.

  • Economic opportunities in the East for all Northern European people;
  • Lunacy of First World War High Command;
  • How Hitler makes wise use of his time;
  • Disadvantages of a Concordat with the Churches;
  • More thoughts on Christianity.

The edition of Hitler's Table Talk being used was translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, published by Enigma Books, New York, and can be found as a pdf here.

On the 125th Birthday of Adolf Hitler

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2014-04-18 09:36

By Carolyn Yeager

The 125th anniversary of Hitler's birth on April 20th coincides with the publication of the “antisemitic” notebooks of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, arguably the most influential European philosopher of the 20th century (only Ludwig Wittgenstein rivals him for the title) according to this article.

There are other connections between the two. They were born in the same year, 1889. Heidegger joined Hitler's National-Socialist party, the NSDAP, in 1933 when Hitler became Chancellor and he remained a member until 1945. He served as rector of Freiburg University in Baden-Württemberg for one year, from 1933 to 1934. He praised the "inner truth and greatness" of National-Socialism during a lecture in 1935. Never once did Heidegger express a word of moral condemnation of the Nazis or the "Holocaust."

On the other hand, there is said to be no evidence that Heidegger accepted National-Socialist racial theories, but that doesn't absolve him because the notebooks contain passages denouncing "world Jewry," the distinctively Jewish "talent for calculation," and the "collusion of 'rootless' Jews in both international capitalism and communism."

"Hitler's Table Talk" Study Hour: Episode 6

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2014-04-10 16:21

April 10, 2014

Carolyn Yeager and Ray Goodwin read and comment on the Sept 22 to Sept. 25, 1941 dinner table monologues by the German Führer, as taken down by an adjutant and checked for accuracy by Martin Bormann. In this program:

  • The separate worlds of Europe and Asia are not marked by the Ural Mountains, but Asia penetrates into Europe without any sharp break;
  • Germany obtains the right to extend into the East by it’s awareness of what it represents – success justifies everything;
  • National-Socialism will never ape religion by establishing a form of worship;
  • The Russian soldier of the 1st World War was more good-natured than the cruel Bolshevik-led soldier of the current time;
  • The Four-Year Plan of 1936-40 with the aim of German self-sufficiency, not dependent on exports;
  • Russia as a source of raw materials for Germany and a consumer of simple German-made items such as cotton goods and household utensils.

Image: At the Obersalzberg, Adolf Hitler, accompanied by Reich Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop (right), receives the Prime Minister Zwetkowitsch of Yugoslavia for talks in February 1941 (click to enlarge)

The edition being used was translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens, published by Enigma Books, New York, and can be found as a pdf here.

Saturday Afternoon: Roots of the myth of National-Socialism's "occult roots"

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-04-05 13:59

April 5, 2014

Charles Krafft joins Carolyn as she explains from whence comes the idea that völkish/racial means the same thing as occultish/magical. Charles tells about the books and authors that have had a big influence in perpetuating the popular image of the “Supernatural Nazi.” Some highlights:

  • Adolf Hitler banned and suppressed esoteric organizations and individuals from having any connection to or influence on the NSDAP or his government from 1933-45;
  • The Thule Society emerged out of the Germanenorden (founded 1912), became a political organization in 1918, out of which Anton Drexler formed the German Worker’s Party (DAP) in 1919;
  • By Feb. 1920, Adolf Hitler had reconstituted the DAP into the NSDAP and severed all remaining links to the Thule Society;
  • An English fantasy novel “Vril, the Power of the Coming Race” was the source of the Vril idea, used by some, like Maria Orsic,  to engage in supposed communications with extraterrestrials;
  • Heinrich Himmler and two others established the Ahnenerbe institute within the SS to study “German Ancestral Heritage” through experiments and archaeological and cultural expeditions;
  • Since 1945, writers have produced a whole genre of “occult Nazi” books, comics and movies leading up to pornographic “stalags” featuring sadistic “Nazis” and their victims;
  • There has always been attraction to the fantastic and supernatural (and sexual!) and there always will be, but we should be aware it is also used to manipulate and fool us.

Image: Montage of supposed N-S "occult" figures and symbols includes Helena Blavatsky, Guido Von List and Heinrich Himmler across center; Dietrich Eckert & Karl Haushofer bottom. Click to enlarge.

Saturday Afternoon: How to regain our moral legitimacy

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-03-29 12:32

March 29, 2014

The malaise of Whites can be attributed to our susceptibility to attacks on our virtue, mainly driven by Jewish interests that control vast segments of society, such as media, religion and education. To defend ourselves we need a tough skin and a deep loyalty to our folk. Some highlights:

  • The contradictions of Russia, and the emigration of Russians into Western Europe;
  • The different cultures within the White race, and how that can affect following a single, central leadership;
  • The royal family of Russia (the Romanovs) were actually of German blood; even the Bulgarian and Albanian monarchs took German, Italian and Spanish wives;
  • Kevin MacDonald’s identification of “moral legitimacy” as the main problem White’s have is spot-on, but how we demonstrate our “goodness” is debatable;
  • Jews and non-Whites are unceasingly at work trying to instill guilt in Whites – we can only counter it by believing we are intrinsically good;
  • Dr. Rafael Medoff, a true rat-faced jew, accuses Roosevelt’s ambassador to Germany Thomas Dodd of antisemitism for using the words ‘Chosen People’ in a private letter in 1934;
  • The Eugenic Movement should be defended as good across the board, as a right of every people to improve itself.

Image: Booklet given to German boys and girls when they finished basic school - summarizes concepts as folk, fatherland, Reich, race, duty, comradeship and patriotism. Part of their duty was to find the right mate and create at least four children.

Saturday Afternoon: In Defense of National-Socialism

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-03-22 12:38

March 22, 2014

Can one proclaim to be a National-Socialist and at the same time look to Russian President Vladimir Putin as the “new leader” that Whites can rally around? Carolyn doesn’t think so and says why, plus Bob from DC  calls in the 2nd hour with additional information and opinions. Some highlights:

  • How racially-minded is Putin – How much communist egalitarianism has stuck with him;
  • Can any Slavic nationalist ever deny the Holocaust, or even revise it, like non-Slavic Eastern nationalists, such as Hungary, do;
  • Michael Colhaze favors the Christian Slavs over the atheist West, even though bureaucratic corruption is a fact of life;
  • Putin’s father was a communist party true-believer and Putin joined the KGB directly upon university graduation;
  • Alexander Dugin, sometime advisor to Putin, heads a Eurasian Alliance that wants to assure the cultural diversity of all the peoples of the world;
  • Nat-Socialism’s “race eugenics” (sterilization law) was begun in 1933 to purify the German race from habitual criminal, feeble-minded and insane hereditary factors;
  • The U.S., Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland also had sterilization laws, while Hungary, UK, Switzerland, Poland, Japan, Latvia and Estonia were considering it.

The Heretics' Hour: St. Pat's Day, Austrian Anschluss, and The Enemy Inside the Gate

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2014-03-17 19:32

March 17, 2014

A program featuring two anniversaries and three “enemies inside the gate. We must keep reminding ourselves and others that those who call themselves “the good guys” are just the opposite, and who the good guys really are. Some highlights:

  • New York St. Patrick’s Day Parade organizers forbade the display of LGBT signs and displays, causing the new Mayor Blasio to boycott the parade — ditto the Guinness and other beer companies;
  • The real joy of the Austrian-Germans to join the German Reich is still denied and lied about today, in order to uphold the false WWII/evil “Nazis” narrative;
  • Adolf Hitler’s speech on March 15, 1938 at Vienna’s Heldenplatz to 200,000 rapt listeners declared that bringing the oldest eastern province back into the Reich was his “greatest accomplishment”;
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer, young ecumenical pastor of the “Confessing Church” which opposed the National-Socialist attempt to create a National German Christian Church,  was an early opponent of the Hitler regime who ended up a full traitor with the German “Resistance”;
  • Pastor Martin Niemoeller, author of “First they came for the communists” and one of the founders of the Confessing Church,  first supported the National-Socialists, then decided he opposed the “Aryan Paragraph” which had existed since 1885;
  • Edward Miliband, 45-year old son of Polish Jewish parents who emigrated to Britain in 1940 and 1947, is now an MP for Doncaster North and head of the Labour Party;
  • Carolyn reads a column written by him in 2012 that reveals how Miliband manages to tell both the British and the British Jews what he wants each of them to hear.

Image: Ed Miliband, leader of the Labour Party in Britain and a 100% Polish Jew with no British blood, explains why he's good for Britain.

The Heretics' Hour: A chat with Fredrick Töben - historian, revisionist and author

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2014-02-17 19:10

Feb. 17, 2014

Fredrick Töben of Adelaide, Australia talks about the German-Jewish relationship and his experience with German law courts. Imprisoned  three times for variations of “holocaust denial,” he is the author of several books, including Fight or Flight: The Personal face of Revisionism(2003), 40 Days in Tehran (2007), 50 Days in Gaol (2009), and Arbeit Macht Frei (2010). Other highlights:

  • Revisionist Gerd Ittner is imprisoned in Bayreuth, Germany and can see the Opera House from his prison window;
  • Toben’s letter in response to Joe Gandleman’s claim that the Internet makes “holocaust denial” too easy;
  • Richard Wagner‘s Germanic world view cannot be contained or controlled by Jewish futile charges of “racist” and “anti-Semitic”;
  • Toben also responds to Robert Zaretsky’s article in The Forward about Martin Heidegger and his “problematic” National Socialist beliefs – were they real or opportunistic;
  • Heidegger’s “Black Notebooks” (Schwarzen Hefte) will be published in Germany in March and some leaked phrases are already causing disturbance: Was he anti-Semitic? (horrors).

Gerd Ittner's prison address: JVA St. George; Markgiafon[?] allee 49; D-95448 Bayreuth, Germany

Saturday Afternoon: Conversation with Margaret Huffstickler about Lies and Those Who Tell Them

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2014-02-15 12:23

Feb. 15, 2015

Margaret Huffstickler joins me again to discuss the extent and nature of the LIES we loyal White have to deal with on a regular basis. Our topics ranged from Hollywood movies to Internet gossip on Facebook, and much in between.

The Heretics' Hour: “Anti-Racist Hitler” and Other Nonsense About “Nazis”

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-12-30 19:02

Dec. 30, 2013

In the last show of this year, Hadding Scott comes on with Carolyn in the 2nd hour to discuss whether there ever was, or could be, such a thing as “Black Nazis,” and other questions about  National Socialism. In the first hour Carolyn emphasizes the need for continuing to destroy the holocaust lies because of the enormous damage it does to the psyches of the German people.  Some highlights:

  • David Irving did say in 2007 that “In my opinion the real killing operations took place in the Reinhardt camps … Heinrich Himmler’s men killed possibly as many as 2.4 million in the two years up to 1943.”
  • The BNP goes after Goebbels, Eichmann and Mengele with crude propaganda;
  • Manfred Roeder’s eloquent Introduction to Thies Christophersen’s The Auschwitz Lie;
  • Hadding Scott reads from the National-Socialist Political Primer on racial rules, which remained substantially the same from 1933 to 1945;
  • What Hitler said in the Platterhof  speech was identical to what was in that manual;
  • Veronica Clark’s focus on Blacks in Germany is “much ado about nothing” when it comes to real historical scholarship.
