Why I'm calling for a boycott of Black Privilege
Confrontation in Minneapolis during latest BLM riots in June 2020.
By Carolyn Yeager
THERE'S A LOT OF TALK IN WHITE NATIONALIST CIRCLES of “the White race.” Whites this, Whites that. White people are still in the majority in what have always been known as white countries in Europe, North America and Australia. Yet it feels like non-Whites are moving in for the kill in these very stressful days we're now living through.
What are we to do about it? The most important thing we need to do is recognize we hold the power to put ourselves back in the driver's seat, and without any violence taking place or harm to anyone! It's we who have given blacks all the power they have and we don't have to keep doing that.
Let's face it, if Whites didn't buy into black celebrityhood the way so many do (and because of sports, it's mostly men even though white women are blamed), Blacks would not have the power they do. We Whites, we native westerners are well-known for giving away the store to those who appear less well off than ourselves, to anyone asking for help, for assistance, even to those who proclaim themselves our enemies. It's an inexplicable thing, this impulse to help, to teach, to share our most valuable resources (even to the point of giving away our genetic pool). We've done this in the past with our political enemies, notably both with the Soviet Union and with communist China. We've done it with Jews.
Most recently, we've done this with our black fellow citizens who've enjoyed so much success in the fields of entertainment, politics, Hollywood and TV, professional sports and music especially. These new multi-millionaires have been able to leverage their influence within white societies to the point of almost equalizing the races, even though many things are not equal or harmonious between Whites and Blacks. Blacks also typically use the threat of violence to force white society to give in to their demands.
So Whites MUST draw the line. The best way we can do it is, as individuals, to stop supporting, ie. funding black success. Without white folks buying movie tickets, tuning into cable TV sitcoms and Netflix specials, addictively watching and following professional and college sports that are majority black, listening to pop, hip hop and Rap mind-numbing “music,” much of black success would cease.
This is a tremendous power we still have, but perhaps we are soon to lose if we don't use it. Another way of putting it, if we won't use what we have, we will lose what we have. It is our fault if we don't or won't use what is to our own advantage.
If white people withdraw our support by changing something as simple as “how we spend our time and money,” the Blacks will soon realize that their power does not come from their own irresistable greatness, but from the friendship, benevolence and good will of White people. If black people became more humble, even a little grateful, that would go a long way toward “healing” the divisions in our society that they say they're after.
President Donald Trump has used “economic sanctions” against other countries as a very effective foreign policy tool in place of more violent, dangerous and expensive military measures. This is the way we should proceed against the Blacks; we take away support we had been providing, whether in the form of purchasing movie tickets, travelling to sports venues or music concerts, what we watch on TV and how we vote in local elections. White people need to send a strong message. But if white people are not on the side of white people, if we think we can be on the side of black people and that will result in better relations between white and black, we are fooling ourselves. Power wins every time.
I know most white people do not consider themselves in the ranks of any White Identity movement, but most white people are not sympathetic to 'Black Lives Matter' either, let alone Antifa thinking. It has to start somewhere. So let it start here.
Race, White Nationalism- 2567 reads
Wonderful piece, it is really this simple.
While this is all true and
While this is all true and should be mandatory for every WN, i think withdrawal of welfare payments would also be pretty effective. The "socialism/welfare bad" argument is still powerful in regular conservative/libertarian circles.
But the money that black music and sportstars earn does not end up in the black community for the most part. They simply blow it away for shiny cars and whatnot.
The withdrawal of support for political correct movies and other media is more important because of cultural reasons than monetary ones.
You don't understand what I'm
You don't understand what I'm getting at. This is something every individual can easily do on their own, it doesn't require any change in law. It's our voluntary behavior. Nor can it be seen as racist. It can even include not frequenting black-owned or operated restaurants and other small businesses. The message would get around the black community pretty fast if enough Whites had the hardness to do it, rather than going soft at the first teary-eyed reaction.
It should not be presented as a WN program; I'm only speaking to my own WN-NS readers here. In the larger world, it should be seen as a White person response to 'Black Lives Matter' coercion. The goal of BLM is to destroy our white homelands, nothing less. We can't let it happen and we can't depend on politicians. Nor can we burn things down like they do 'cause we'd never get away with it like they do!!!! Remember that when you start to go soft.
It boggles my mind how many whites defend other races OVER their own race. There is no sane, rational or logical reason for this behaviour. Family race nation. I am 66 years of age, a Viet Nam war era VETERAN a conservative TRUMP supporter and a Mayflower. Without us there would be no country, no Constitution, no FREEDOM. I am proud of my heritage. Blacks have almost an entire continent - Africa, of their own. Perhaps they could take all they've learned and implement it there.
"it's an inexplicable thing, this impulse to help, to teach, to share our most valuable resources". It does seem that way but alturism, love, and nurturing is the very essesnce of consciousness. The reason that we that Western Civilization has come to identify God as Love is because that is a reflection of our instinctual natures, not egoism, selfishness, and aggression.
It seems to me to boycott a black store becasue it is black is not boycotting black privilege. It's putting everyone in the same bowl, throwing out the baby with the bath. For example, there are many many blacks who see that they are the beneficiaries of our great nation who object to the whole idea of systemic racism. Morgan Freedman, Denzel Washington, Candice Owens, Thomas Sowell to name a few. They build up America and call blacks to the truth that the Democratic Party is the party of slavery.
Like it or not America is a melting pot. I am an American first, not a white American. I am a man first, not a white man. Yes, boycott those like Capernack and if need be the whole NFL. Boycott De Niro (I do) for his stupid tirade against our beloved president. America would not be America without blacks and whites working toward the common purpose of ever widening consciousness and the great heritage that is ours in promoting and sustaining our democratic republic.
When the Jews boycotted Germany it was a call really for the destruction of Germany. They declared war on Germany. They were traitors. They made themselves enemies of the state. Those who sided with them were also calling for the destruction of Germany including England and France and Russian. Thus was the US duped into the war.
I don't see you calling for the destruction of the black race. And I do think, as far as slavery is concerned, the blacks in America own a lot to the many white men and women who died to set them free. BLM denies this true and is an enemy to mankind. It needs to go. As does antifa. So, yes, call for a boycott of all those who support BLM or antifa. Boycotting Candice Owens would be the wrong thing to do. Rather, promote those blacks, like Sowell who tell the truth. Just saying.
American First, White Man 2nd....COME ON MAN!
Al Milligan , you just DO NOT get it, do you? America is DEAD. The only thing left is what you were born with, your "uniform" if you will, your RACE! Candace Owens, Sowell and the other friendly blacks make up about 3% - 4% of the entire black race in America if that. And the Owens's and Sowell's know that they could NEVER live like they do without the white man building the society and maintaining law & order. What Carolyn is suggesting is just one tool we should be using but the ultimate goal should be OUR OWN NATIONS ONCE AGAIN. We do not need blacks as it seems you are suggesting, they NEED us if they want to live in a civilized, orderly country. Man up and see yourself as part of the historical process. If we keep being soft and not wanting to offend the very few non whites who understand that they need us to live comfortably, we will perish just the same.
Carolyn yeager call to boycott
As I have never had any taste for black "culture" and don't care to see "human by the skin of their teeth" bipeds running and jumping and catching balls, I'm afraid there's nothing left for me to boycott.... Perhaps my one option here is to contact corporations or businesses which fund the anti-white bigots and tell them I won't use their products or services and will endeavor to stop others using them as well.
Yes, of course, I'm on the
Yes, of course, I'm on the same page as you. I already do not spend a dime or do any of these things that benefit black people. (Except for the taxes I pay and I can't do anything about that as an individual.) I don't even have TV! People like you and I can do nothing more to improve the situation.
As far as writing to corporations with your intention to boycott them, I don't think it's worth the effort. That's just my opinion. They don't care; they only look at the bottom line. If White consumers can affect their bottom line, they will pay attention. If not, they won't. It's therefore better to put one's effort into reaching and convincing all types of white people to act in their best interests; convincing them that improving race relations by doing/giving more to black people does not work. It doesn't work with any people, not just Blacks, who are not homogeneous within society. The best we can hope for is that white, European derived folk be dominant in American society, and all others accede to that dominance. Otherwise, there is chaos.
So far, the extreme amount of black on white crime has never been shared on a National level. IT is over at newnation.org.
Are they racists? No. They're all tired of it not being reported honestly on National News.
Blacks are only something
Blacks are only something like 12% of the total population in the U.S., yet by watching the media, entertainment and news, one can easily get the wrong impression that they are like 90% of the population, and every white family has an adopted black child. LOL. This kowtowing and submissive behavior to blacks and other nonwhite races is ridiculous and dangerous. This bad and stupid behavior by blacks and other nonwhites is only going to get worse in the future as the U.S. becomes increasingly less white. Whites must be dominant and set the tone in white and European nations or these nations will turn into third world hellholes. Read Frank Raymond's book and google him on youtube.
Origins of BLM
„[…] one can easily get the wrong impression that they are like 90% of the population, […]“: This is part of the manipulation of the protective instinct and at the same time it is part of the programming: Mix, white man! Mix, white woman! (miscegenation)
„Whites must be dominant and set the tone in white and European nations or these nations will turn into third world hellholes.“ In the USA there will be ethnic separation, in small Europe there is no space for it. Blacks and Arabs have no control over their urges, they multiply uncontrolled. As a well-known Rhodesian once said, the one who represents the majority of the population determines politics.
A side note: The recognition symbol of the predecessor organization of "Antifa" and the symbol of "BLM" come from the same (((source))), click on "images":
Your bold writings
Hi Carolyn. I've seen your name many times on UNZ and at TOO, and I'm very impressed. This is the first time i've visited your blog. Fabulous! I totally support your effort to repel BLM and all the corporate weasels that support it. Please compile a list of the most loathesome corporate proponents of the BLM movement. They need to be identified and boycotted! Best wished. Sincerely, Mark Green, Calif.
Thanks, Mark.
I think the latest poll was
I think the latest poll was showing about 68% whites support BLM. Who knows what the real numbers are, considering our controlled media. Any whites who want to survive and live in relative peace better start moving away from our lost cities.
This Spring’s Darkness? Cower
This Spring’s Darkness? Cower Not!
JUNE 19 – Once proud cities are besieged by forces of darkness. Riot and arson, plunder and thuggery, mayhem and murder, historic statuary defaced and their artists’ labors shattered, the star-spangled banner of our Nation treasonously burned, insurrectionists’ occupation of blocks in a capital city: All besmirch America the Beautiful. With two days left until the Solstice, your editor may yet muse upon a ...
Spring Night
Spring night. The beauty that should fill these hours
Is but a vap’rous, hollow, distant shell
Emptied of old, emptied anew of pow’rs
Girding the hearts of those who’d fain rebel.
Dark night – ’though sun at dusk may send its glow
Sarcastically, to taunt the tortured beast
On endless paths, with yet nowhere to go,
Nor in the black abyss to find the feast.
Good night, for all the fruitless farces yet
Besieging one lone brain, one stubborn soul
Which ’gainst the ruling night would stand, and set
The spark of life and light of truth’s bright scroll:
That he who cowers not shall hold the field
And see the darkest night to daybreak yield.
©James Donald Lowe
Systemic Racism
I to believe there is systemic racism in America-sytemic anti-white racism! That is why no BLM or Antifa can ever be truly "Woke" because their ideology is merely an intensification of the ideology of the powers that be. Witness Corporate Capitalism giving them millions of dollars in ideological solidarity. The true awakening is White Awakening in which our people finally realize this system is no longer sustainable and that the Ethno-State resolution is the only solution! All roads lead to the White Republic or they lead no where but extinction. In that regard mental secession must always precede political secession. If you are a white person still watching the NFL when it resumes you are part of the problem!
Boycott Blacks
HI Carolyn. Long time no talk. Brilliant article. I've long advocated that whites stop funding their own demise by pulling consumer dollars away from anything that benefits Blacks. Whatever power Blacks get is used against us, and even against them. They invariably promote their savage, undomesticated "culture," which is based on utter contempt for every norm of civilized behavior.
Black athlete millionaires owe their fortunes largely to dull witted white men who give them the power to harm us.
"Oprah" is a billionaire becuase white women, with too much time on their hands, watched her show, built her ratings and enriched her sponsors. How does she use her power? To destroy the white civilization that made her rich beyond her wildest dreams.
White defunding of anti-white Hollywood, and professional athletics would be a great step in the right direction. It's easier to modify behavior to spend money differently than to cough up donations for some cause.
Keep up the good work. You got it right long ago and have never wavered.
Hi D. Advo - I remembered the
Hi D. Advo - I remembered the name but only now was I able to place it. Great to hear from you. Thanks.
Yes, the solution is so simple. We Whites just don't use our power. The question we have to ask is 'why not'? We shouldn't be blaming it on conspiracies being carried out against us. We have to learn to check our famous "fair-mindedness."
whites aren't born over generous!
Whites aren't inately fair minded. They have been trained to be so through 24/7 media mind control. For Jews to take over white countries they had to institute programs and efforts to get whites to voluntarily give away their home field advantage.
As long as most whites accept the fact that enemy Jews are in places of power that influence everything whites do or accept the legitimacy of those placed in places of power that influence their daily lives, there is no possible way to rectify the problem. [...]
[Cut ... This article is about Blacks, not Jews. I know you want to argue there is only Jew Power after all, but I don't agree. You and your conspiracy theory solutions have failed to move the needle. -cy]
Thank you for pointing out
Thank you for pointing out how many white men contribute to the problem by watching sports on TV. Too often, white women are getting blamed by angry white men for furthering the problem, when just as many white men are guilty of the same.
I do not support any white nationalist for similar reasons: too much sexism. I will neither bow to "black lives matter," nor will I give up my education and career to be a house slave.
You make an important point
You make an important point about white nationalist men. Too many (not all) love to put down white women, call them demeaning names, but pass over all that white men do to promote more black multimillionaires. All that money is now being used to remove the white power base, so what do you think the result will be for white women? Our women are genetically programmed to favor powerful men.
Any genuine white movement or advocacy will respect its men and women alike as partners, not promote the dominating/submissive model that contemporary women won't accept and don't need to accept.
I'm curious to know
I'm curious to know if you were thinking of anyone specific while writing this article. I am a Black-American (more on that below) and I can certainly say that many Black celebrities have used their status to promote a variety of damaging ideas without worry of critique, unless under specific conditions.
The most recent example of this would be the celebrity, Nick Cannon, who was caught demonizing Jews and White people. It was only a major deal in the media because Jews were included, so his anti-White comments didn't seem to matter. If the roles were reversed, the nation would have had a full-blown meltdown.
However, I did see a lot of White people condemning him on social media, declaring themselves to no longer support his work after hearing his comments and failing to apologize (he only apologized to Jews). So sensible people will do what you're advocating for when applicable from what I can see.
About how I got here, as I'm sure this is a rare occurrence:
I was watching a video yesterday about Chicago leaders wanting to get rid of history class, deeming it a racist curriculum. Someone made a comment about liberals wanting to burn books and alter history like the Nazis. I decided to search up information about this and your site was one of the first results, in which you stated that it isn't true.
While certain topics like National Socialism have no relation to me (it's still an interesting topic), I decided to stick around and read some more. With the rise of anti-White acceptance, something I disagree with out of principle, I have been trying to find reasonable people that speak out against it. You seem to be more thoughtful and rational than others I've observed, so your thoughts on these matters are of great value, Ms. Yeager.
Hope you're having a nice day.
Hello Richard
and welcome. No, I didn't have anyone specific in mind when writing this. I just think the US has transformed into more of a black culture than a white culture, now. And this is a terrible thing in my opinion. Upon further reflection, though, first came the imposition of Jewish culture and Jewish values. Whites were robbed of their pride, and even interest in their own character traits and cultural achievements. In particular, music is almost completely taken over by Negro trends and preferences, isn't it? I'm old and not hip, but that's how it seems to me. This contributes to the overall dumbing down of our entire society. It's not the Black's fault though; it's been brought about by Jewish destruction of White self-confidence and self-esteem.
I'm not a believer in mixing races and cultures together. I think when races are mixed together it's the White race that has the most to lose, and indeed loses the most. When the white race deteriorates, everyone loses.
That's an interesting take, Carolyn
I don't know a great deal about Jews at the moment. As of late, I have been hearing things about them, but it often comes from every direction. I read a bit of Mein Kampf last month--particularly chapter 14 of volume 1--and have since pondered about what Hitler wrote regarding them, which was quite enlightening. But yes, the waves of denigration that Whites are facing result in harmful outcomes that practically affect everyone to a degree. It's a sad thing to witness, and I express my sincere support.
As for music, that is one of my main concerns. I see it as a contributing factor to the transformation you mentioned. Rap music is quite popular but is widely obscene with a heavy glorification of criminality. Its target audience, of course, is young people. With how susceptible they tend to be and how music is such an integral part of their lives, it acts as a dangerous guide for how they should behave. It's important to note that some of it doesn't contain those elements, but music executives have little desire to promote positive songs. I prefer to listen to anything that predates that era (soul, country, folk, classical). But I have heard in passing that the music industry is Jewish-ran, so that may have a lot to do with it -- they always seem to be at the center of everything.
And absolutely, that appears to be the case, seeing as Whites are a global minority. I find it interesting how it's praiseworthy to want to save animals who are in a state of imperilment, but not you all who are at similar risk of being erased. I grew up around them in a suburban/rural community, so by default, I identify with White culture. That was something I didn't think about until recently. However, I believe some differentiation is needed. How I recognize it, there exist subcultures, such as that of the inner-city Blacks or the White hill-folk (I don't call them by their common name). Then there is the primary culture.
A lot of what has been pervading America since the early '90s are aspects of inner-city Black culture. As you said, it's a terrible thing that is dumbing down our society, as well as demoralizing it. We should be upholding the values of our forefathers and foremothers, but it's as if America is being groomed to self destruct, losing all sense of direction. Based on current affairs, are you optimistic about a change coming soon, or do you think it will get considerably worse before things improve?
There's no Chapter 14 in
There's no Chapter 14 in Mein Kampf, vol 1. It only contains 12 chapters. Maybe you are remembering it wrong. What you're speaking of is Chapter 11 - Nation and Race.
To your question, I'm not optimistic. As I said, it requires Whites to show self-respect and self-love, and that is what is being stripped from them in a calculated way. The key was the destruction of Germany in the 20th century, in which fellow cousin-whites were used by the Jews. Communism and "the liberal ideal" made great inroads into Europe then. That is what Adolf Hitler fought against - stood against - and why he's still demonized as the worst criminal the world has ever known. It's the Jews' doing and dumb Whites go along with it. Blacks are even dumber and go along with just about anything that promises them 'pie in the sky.'
This historical mistake about Hitler et al. is what needs to change, and I don't see it happening. Without lifting that false narrative, we are doomed.
Painting a doomed picture
I made an error there, apologies for that. Thank you for the correction.
I try not to entertain pessimism, but in the case you provided, I suppose it is a reasonable outlook to have. Or perhaps aiming so high, so relatively early, is not the best course of action. Sure, the world's perception of Hitler will not go from an infamous criminal to a leader with good intentions likely ever. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean people can't come to realize what he understood with time.
Ignorance, in itself, is curable. While some people remain ignorant, others are reachable if you know how to deliver the message. It won't happen overnight, as that kind of impact is a gradual process. So, I don't think now is the right time for painting a doomed picture. As the saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
Speaking of painting, I want to say I love your artwork, Carolyn. If you were to sell prints, I would like to get a few, especially Bugambilia I-II. Those would look great on my wall. I wonder if you're still active as an artist.
"Carolyn. If you were to sell
"Carolyn. If you were to sell prints, I would like to get a few,"
Thanks, but no, I never made any reproductions of my paintings. I was not much of a business woman, did not have a knack for "making money." Both those paintings (probably my favorites) were sold. I only like 'doing things,' making/producing things but not handling inventory.
Sadly, I have not painted for about 20 years now! And I was obsessed with it for good while! Have been an art lover all my life.
Why I'm calling for a boycott of Black Privilege
Well, The fact is that even non-White communities in the US and other historically White nations, would prefer their own living spaces too. None of them enjoy living cheek-and-jowl in or alongside other racially alien non-White communities. This situation in itself, is a future potent timebomb waiting to explode as well and a good many are already perfectly aware of the ceaseless toxic machinations that the Tribe employs in order to maintain group differences and separateness - necessary ingredients for the fostering of racial division and inequality, destined to erupt into flames at some point. As White rule and influence wanes, it will likely be Indians (sub-continent) and Orientals who will seize overall power, NOT the Negroid race which will find itself relegated back to the bottom rung of society as a result.
I agree
I totally agree with your blog. These days it is unusual to find someone brave enough to speak what most whites are thinking. In the UK, you would almost certainly be “cancelled” for airing such views. I agree that we whites have to do something soon or our countries will be stolen from us; the UK is now almost unrecognisable from the easy going tolerant country we used to enjoy. I have been waiting in vain for the white backlash, but it doesn’t appear to be coming. For at least two decades, the left wing media has been conducting a social engineering experiment to convince whites that they are guilty of racial bias and that all blacks are victims; most young people have been totally brainwashed by BLM etc. It seems to me that most companies are so concerned about being described as racist that they over-compensate by sprinkling black and Asian faces all over their advertising. My own private protest is to refuse to purchase any product that is advertised using a black actor/model. Your suggestion of boycotting all black majority events might be more successful.