Holocaust Industry Exposed

Beginnings and Endings

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2024-01-01 10:58

By Carolyn Yeager

IT'S SAID THAT EVERY ENDING MARKS A NEW BEGINNING. That helps, because while I've been grappling with how (and even whether!) to say I'm ending this website in a post I had already titled  '2023 Wrap Up', the New Year has arrived and pushed me into 2024 before I got it posted.

I began last years posts (only 10 of them!) with a New Year resolution to stop or improve my growing problem with procrastination. I had meant to end this year with a confession that I admit defeat in that resolve and, furthermore, I realize it can only get worse from here.

It's not that I haven't been getting the message that it's time for me to bow out, but I've procrastinated on that also! Thankfully the Buddha quote solves my anxiety over not being in the right order.

German Court hands down 2 year suspended sentence to 97 yr old former typist 80 years after the fact

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2022-12-21 14:30

Irmgard Furchner sits well-covered in the courtroom in Itzehoe, Germany  appearing to be 'holstered' to her seat, apparently to keep the 97 year-old from collapsing forward?

By Carolyn Yeager

IRMGARD FURCHNER IS THE LATEST VICTIM of the Jewish-controlled so-called German “justice” system's pursuit of  nonagenarians (persons aged 90-99) they can convict for the crime of “accessory to murder” based entirely on being employed in a concentration or labor camp during the last years of the National Socialist regime. The whole purpose of this costly, taxpayer-funded endeavor is to further blacken the reputation of Adolf Hitler's government, and to bolster belief in Jewish suffering and losses during World War II, that Jews were pivotal in bringing about. That's really what it comes down to, but it's doctored up with contrived language and vivid 'survivor testimony' to make it appear the sacrificial goat being convicted “knew” or “had to know” that detainees at whatever camp they were at were being murdered on a mass scale.

The Shrinking 'Holocaust'

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2022-12-03 18:37

... How small can it get and still be called a Holocaust?

Prior to 2021, Majdanek was considered by the USHMM one of the six "extermination camps" in far Eastern Germany/General-Government (formerly Poland between the 1st and 2nd world wars). It's now been quietly removed from this group, leaving only five camps in which Jews are alleged to have been killed as part of a planned genocide.

By Carolyn Yeager

ANOTHER 'DEATH CAMP' HAS BEEN QUIETLY REMOVED from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) website's pages on the "Final Solution."

A recent email from Jon M. brought to my attention that the flagship U.S. Holocaust museum in Washington DC has made a significant change to their description of “the final solution.”

Serious attempts in Canada to fight what's called 'rising antisemitism' with first law against 'Holocaust' Denial

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2022-05-01 18:36

By Carolyn Yeager


There's absolutely no reason to pass a Holocaust Denial law in Canada, even less reason than in the United States. Jews officially make up 1% of the Canadian population and there is no history or evidence of anti-semitism over and above probably a few minor incidents now and then, as would be found for any particular religious, racial or political minority. I'm quite sure Germans have in the past been worse-treated in Canada than Jews ever have but they did not seek to have laws passed especially for their protection.

The evidence that this legislation is wanted, designed and promoted specifically by the Jewish community is overwhelming. Two separate bills are already before the legislature.

Jan. 6, the Holocaust and the New Year

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2022-01-07 10:19

The huge crowd attending President Trump's speech gathered peacefully in front of the Capitol building as the House & Senate were in session. Some elements of the great throng urged participants to storm and enter the building, while the majority had no idea that was even happening.

by Carolyn Yeager

I HAD LOOKED FORWARD TO WRITNG A NEW YEAR POST on New Year's Day because I love the New Year time and the opportunity to make some “resolutions” (which I have every intention to follow, not just for fun). But on January 1st I felt what I had to say would not be of enough importance to readers, so I waited. Now the Jan. 6th  anniversary has given me an opportunity to make some predictions.

No two sides to the Holocaust, Texas public school educators agree

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2021-10-17 11:22

The majority of published books on Holocaust are for children in the K-12 school age group, and they are fictional or partly-fictional accounts – even famous ones like Anne Frank's Diary.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE HOLOCAUST OCCURRED JUST AS THE POPULAR NARRATIVE, as told in tens of thousands of books for children that have been published in the U.S. alone, says it did. So Texas professional educators and politicians quickly agreed in the wake of an uproar following a Dallas-Fort Worth area administrator's use of the Holocaust to explain how to allow all sides of a Civics issue to be heard, or available, in classrooms.

These non-experts in history assure teachers and public that the Holocaust is 'established fact' and 'settled history,' yet so sensitive that no other side can be presented—ever. Well, you know, they have voters to contend with. And they always need money too.

The Elie Wiesel tattoo question is resolved: No tattoo

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2021-10-10 10:18

Close-up of Wiesel’s arms from the photograph taken in 2006 by Eyal Toueg, published after Elie Wiesel’s death.

By Carolyn Yeager

ELIE WIESEL was physically put to rest five years ago on July 3, 2016. Now, the website “Elie Wiesel Cons The World” will be put to rest at the end of this year.

That website was instigated by me, and assisted in its early days by the ever-helpful and much-missed Bradley Smith and his CODOH webmaster. I wanted to feature the phrase “Where's the tattoo?” taken from the extremely  popular 1980s Wendy's advertising campaign, “Where's the beef?” Delving into all aspects of Elie Wiesel became a major passion for me to which I devoted a great deal of my time. In the course of six years (2010-2016), I personally produced close to 130 articles, in the process of which I came to know more about Elie Wiesel than probably any living person outside of his family (and likely including them!).

Now, as I contemplate EWCTW becoming a non-active (read only) site—complete and total as is—I considered what I wanted visitors to see first when they hit on eliewieseltattoo.com. The answer was obvious—did we solve the riddle to Elie Wiesel's “missing tattoo?” Indeed we did, and it was what I had believed from the start—Wiesel did not have the number A-7713 tattooed on his left arm, and he never had it.

German Court acquits Lady Renouf of 'Holocaust'-related charges without a trial

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2020-11-11 10:05

The following Good News came November 10th from Peter Rushton, editor of Heritage and Destiny in Britain.


Lady Renouf vindicated over Dresden speech

After 32 months German courts back down, Renouf acquitted

Jewish Privilege: Rehired Florida Principal fired again by overwhelming demand of Jewish community

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2020-11-03 10:43

By Carolyn Yeager

IT WAS ONLY A MONTH AGO that I posted the “heartwarming” story of William Latson (left), Principal of Spanish River High School in Boca Raton, Fla. and his rehiring with back pay after he was fired for a 'politically incorrect' exchange with a parent about the school's “Holocaust” instruction.

It seems logical to deduce that the parent was Jewish, but she has never been named.

The Palm Beach County School Board fired Latson over the incident, using “failure to carry out job responsibilities” as the legal reason. Latson appealed the decision and the arbitration judge agreed with him, recommending Latson be transferred to an another administrative position within the district at the same pay level. Thus just last month he was rehired with back pay of $152,000 by a 4-3 vote of the board.

Lawyer Horst Mahler released from prison in Germany after serving 10 years

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2020-11-01 12:48

Horst Mahler's long-awaited release from prison was not covered by the mainstream media. He's one of those charismatic "heroes of the Right" the establishment tries to "cancel."

By Carolyn Yeager

THE 84-YEAR-OLD LAWYER WAS RELEASED FROM A PRISON IN THE EASTERN STATE of Brandenburg on Monday afternoon, Oct. 26, a spokesman for the Brandenburg Justice Ministry said.

He was released under strict security conditions, which may have included 'no welcoming party' because it seems there is practically a news blackout on the whole affair.
